EBITA grew 37% y-o-y Sees positive signals in the Swedish project market Trading at 9x '25e EV/EBITA Market differences remain, but Sweden ...
Net sales SEK 537m, +3% vs ABGSCe, 0% vs Factset cons.
Q4 report due 11 February We forecast Q4 net sales of SEK 520m & EBITA of SEK 78m We reiterate our fair value range of SEK 39-55 Macro outl...
During Q3, Svedberg Group once again demonstrated the strength of its risk-balanced portfolio.
- Q3 miss driven by Thebalux seasonality - EBITA growth of 21% y-o-y - Share trading at 8x '25e EV/EBITA Q3 takeaways: Thebalux q-o-q is neg...
- Net sales SEK 512m, -6% vs ABGSCe and -5% vs Factset cons.
Svedbergs Group posted a soft set of Q3 2024 numbers, with sales coming in 4% below our estimates (no consensus), with organic growth at -1.
We expect Svedbergs Group's Q3 report on 25 October to show a decent quarter, with 1% organic sales growth y/y and yet another improvement ...
Q3 report due 25 October We forecast SEK 551m net sales, SEK 83m EBITA We reiterate fair value range of SEK 39-55 Market outlook clearly im...
Svedbergs Group released a solid Q2, growing its top line by 23% y/y and adjusted EBITA by 31%, primarily driven by the margin-accretive The...
- Strong momentum outside Sweden - We lower '24e-'25e EBITA by 2-1% - Share trading at 9x '24e EBITA vs.
Svedbergs Group posted a solid set of Q2 2024 numbers, with sales coming in-line with our estimates (no consensus),with organic growth of -1...
- Net sales SEK 562m, 0% vs ABGSCe and Factset cons.
Ahead of Svedbergs Group's Q2 report on 18 July, we expect a decent quarter, with a 1% organic sales decline y/y but yet another improvement...
Q2 report due 18 July We forecast SEK 561m net sales, SEK 81m EBITA Fair value range raised to SEK 40-56 (37-53) First glimpse of improving...
Svedbergs Group has set the course to consolidate the European market for bathroom fittings, evolving from a Swedish-centric company to a pr...
CEO spoke about acquisition synergies Group collaboration could drive growth and margins Thebalux acquisition lifts group margin above 15% ...
-4% organisk tillväxt kompenseras av Thebalux-förvärvet Med höga jämförelsetal och fortsatt svår marknad i Sverige och Finland sjönk försälj...
- Geographical diversity gives resilience - UK grew 6% org.
Net sales SEK 572m, 3% vs ABGSCe EBITA SEK 84m, 7% vs ABGSCe Thebalux performs well at 25% EBITA margin Q1 in brief: strong uplift y-o-y Sv...
Q1 report due 24 April Q1e net sales SEK 554m, EBITA SEK 78m Trading at 8x NTM EV/EBITA vs 10y avg.
Fortsatt utmanande marknad Svedbergs rapporterade -5% organisk tillväxt i Q4 och spår en fortsatt utmanande marknad i 2024.
450bp gross margin expansion y-o-y We raise '24e-'25e EBITA by 1% We raise our fair value range to SEK 36-52 (35-51) Key takeaways from Q4 ...
Net sales SEK 460m, -1% vs ABGSCe EBITA SEK 59m, +1% vs ABGSCe 2024 could remain challenging Q4 headlines Net sales of SEK 460m corresponds...
Q4 report due 29 Feb Q4'23e net sales of SEK 464m, EBITA of SEK 59m We estimate the fair value at SEK 35-51 (SEK 34-50) Trading update redu...
We hosted CEO at our Investor Days Seminar 23/11 Promising commentary around finalised Thebalux acquisition We raise our fair value range to...
Ut i Europa Svedbergs Group, en ledande tillverkare av badrumsprodukter, har genom förvärvet av Roper Rhodes i Storbritannien vuxit till en ...
- UK compensates for soft Swedish market - Announces potential next step in M&A strategy - We raise our fair value range to SEK 32-47 (31-46...
- Net sales SEK 432m, 1% vs ABGSCe - EBITA SEK 59m, 52% vs ABGSCe - Announced acquisition of Thebalux Q3 in brief: Q3 was strong overall ove...
Q3 report due 7 October Q3e net sales SEK 426m, EBITA SEK 52m Share trading at 6.
Storbritannien visar fortsatt styrka mot en svagare nordisk marknad.
• UK continues to support the group • Rebalancing expectations lead to -3% on '23e estimates • We lower our fair value to SEK 31-46 (33-48) ...
• Net sales SEK 456m, -2% vs ABGSCe SEK 464m • EBITA SEK 58m, -4% vs ABGSCe SEK 60m • Share is +31% YTD, trading at 6x '23e EV/EBITA Q2 in b...
Q2 report due 18 July Q2'23e sales of SEK 464m, EBITA of SEK 60m Share trading at 6x-5x '23e-'25e EV/EBITA UK sales stronger than market an...
Brittiska förvärvet fortsätter kompensera för vikande nordisk marknad.
UK outperforms our forecast EBITA up 4-6% for '23e-'25e We raise our fair value range to SEK 33-48 (31-46) Q1 in brief After continued stro...
Net sales SEK 476m, 3% vs ABGSCe Adj. EBITA SEK 64m, 4% vs ABGSCe On unrevised ests, share trading at 7x-6x '23e-'25e EV/EBITA Q1 report in ...
Q1 report due 21 April Q1'23e sales of SEK 462m, EBITA of SEK 61m Share trading at 7x-6x '23e-'25e EV/EBITA Soft Q1'23e demand mitigated by...
Förvärvet av Roper Rhodes lyfter övriga koncernen under kvartalet.
Q4 report in brief Svedbergs continued to show relative strength in a tough consumer market, with Q4'22 net sales of SEK 438m, -2% vs.
Sales SEK 438m, -2% vs. ABGSCe Adj. EBITA SEK 54m, 3% vs ABGSCe On unrevised ests, share trading at 6x '23e-'24e EBITA Q4'22 in brief Follo...
Q4 report due 8 February We forecast sales of SEK 447m, EBITA of SEK 53m Share trading at '23e-'24e EV/EBITA of 7-6x We expect solid Svedbe...
Svedbergs levererar ett starkt kvartal trots osäker makromiljö.
Svedbergs levererar fortsatt hög tillväxt drivet av förvärv.
Q2 beat on sales, below on EBITA We expect the project market to slow, starting in H1’23 We lower ’23e-’24e EBITA by 2% Coming in strong on ...
Sales +6% vs ABGSCe, 6% organic growth EBITA -2% vs ABGSCe We expect cons.
Q2 report due on 15 July We expect sales of SEK 444m and EBITA of 66m We lower our ’23-24e EBITA by 3-5% Slower market outlook After two yea...
Under första kvartalet var Svedbergs organiska tillväxt goda 13 procent.
Huvudägaren Stena Adactums budpliktsbud på 50 kronor per aktie i Svedbergs framstår i våra ögon som för lågt.
Svedbergs avslutade 2021 med 16 procents organisk tillväxt och ett förvärv som fördubblar koncernens omsättning.
Svedbergs förvärvar brittiska Roper Rhodes till en klart attraktiv värdering, bedömer Analysguiden.
Efter ännu ett starkt kvartal från Svedbergs justerar Analysguiden upp riktkursen för aktien till 66 kronor (60).
Badrumskoncernen Svedbergs fortsätter att leverera stark tillväxt och kraftiga resultatförbättringar.