Redeye notes that Sivers’ Q4 2024 report was strong, with record net sales of SEK76.
Redeye states that the Q4 report came in above our estimates on both sales and EBITDA, and Sivers recorded the highest net sales in the comp...
Redeye is encouraged by the new MOU, highlighting the shift from technology discussions to preparations for large-scale production.
Redeye takes a positive stance on the news that Sivers is raising SEK108m through a directed share issue aimed at Swedish and international ...
Redeye comments on Sivers Semiconductors following the announcement that the company will receive an upfront payment for the Chips Act award...
Redeye comments on Sivers Semiconductors’ announcement of a new USD5.
Redeye is encouraged by Sivers Semiconductors’ announcement of a strengthened partnership framework with its key strategic partner, Ayar Lab...
Redeye comments on the recently announced USD155m fundraising by Ayar Labs, a key partner of Sivers Semiconductors within the photonics spac...
Redeye is encouraged by the new management in Sivers, guiding for a long-term ambition of reaching a “high-single-digit market share” of its...
Redeye states that the Q3 report came in below our estimates on both sales and EBITDA.
Redeye comments on the two announcements about receiving USD6.
Redeye adds to its recent research notes about Sivers' intention to merge with US-listed SPAC byNordic.
Redeye further comments on Sivers' plans to merge its Photonics business with a US-listed SPAC.
Redeye comments on Sivers’ announcement about its Photonics business will be separated and merged into a US-based SPAC.
Redeye comments on Sivers’ announcement of a new CEO, which Redeye believes to be a good fit for the stage Sivers is now entering.
Redeye believes the major design win announced in the Q2 report sets Sivers' 5G potential in a whole other light than before.
Redeye states that the Q2 report came in above its estimates on both sales and EBITDA.
Redeye states the report was below expecations across the board.
Sivers has announced the resignation of CEO Anders Strom, who is leaving his position to pursue new challenges outside the Company.
Redeye comments on Sivers' product announcement, initally worth USD1.
Redeye states that net sales and adjusted EBITDA were better than expected, and Sivers achieved its adjusted EBITDA goal for the year’s seco...
Redeye states sales and adjusted EBITDA were better-than-expected and Sivers achieved its adjusted EBITDA goal for the second half of the ye...
Redeye provides commentary on Sivers' pre-announced figures for 2023.
Redeye thinks the Q3 report was good, and in line with what the company had previously indicated.
Redeye states that the Q3 report was good, though not as good as Redeye had expected.
Redeye comments on today’s announced satcom order of USD5m, which confirms Redeye’s view of the company’s revenue acceleration in Wireless.
Redeye states that the semi-weak Q2 report was likely only a bump in the road, which is confirmed by the company reiterating its 2023 financ...
Redeye states that while Q2 was soft, it was due to a timing effect implying that Q3 will be strong.
Redeye comments on the order from Ayar Labs, which it believes to be only the start of a significant ramp up.
Redeye thinks the Q1 report was strong and lays a solid foundation for Sivers possibility of reaching its 2023 financial targets of 100%+ to...
Redeye thinks Sivers delivered a good report, beating Redeye's estimates on topline by 7% and also better on profitability.
Redeye comments on its estimates for Q1 2023, for which the Wireless segment is expected to be the main growth driver.
Redeye comments on Sivers' announced financing solution consisting of a SEK150m directed share issue, a SEK50m loan facility, and ongoing ne...
Redeye comments on Sivers announcement of launching the first 5G mmWave FR2 stand-alone Consumer Premise Equipment (CPE) solution targeting ...
Redeye states Sivers Q4'22 report and guidance was largely inline with our estimates.
Redeye comments on Sivers Q4'22 report which showed slightly better sales and EBITDA compared to our estimates.
Sivers announced its largest development agreement to date, worth cSEK170m.
Redeye reassesses the case and updates its estimates after Sivers' Q3’22 report, which came in weaker-than-expected.
Q3’22 åt det svagare hållet Sivers Semiconductors rapporterade en försäljning på 28,2 mkr (26,5 mkr), en ökning i med 6%.
Redeye states that the Q3 report was considerably weaker than expected on both top line and bottom line.
Redeye is optimistic about Sivers’ debt financing, whose terms are good considering the current market climate.
Spännande produktportfölj och exponering mot tillväxtmarknader På Sivers Semiconductors kapitalmarknadsdag den 26/9 2022 uppvisade bolaget e...
Q2'22 i linje med föregående år Sivers Semiconductors rapporterade en EBITDA på -19 mkr, i linje med Q2'21 (-20m).
Redeye states that the Q2 report was weaker than expected in terms of sales and gross margin, but that good cost control kept the burn rate ...
Redeye states that the Q2 report came in somewhat lower than estimates in terms of sales, but that the quarterly loss was smaller than expec...
Redeye is encouraged by Sivers’ third F100 customer in Photonics.
Q1'22 i linje med föregående år Sivers Semiconductors rapporterade en EBIT på -27 mkr, i linje med Q1'21 (-26m).
Redeye states that the Q1 report was strong, especially in Wireless.
Redeye states that the Q1 report was good, especially within Wireless.
Redeye updates its estimates after last week’s cancellation of the SEK 480m CPE order.
Väsentlig order pausas Sivers Semiconductors meddelade att den stora order för 5G millimeter våg på 480mkr som annonserades i augusti 2020 p...
Redeye states that the cancellation of the major SEK 480m 5G order is a tough blow for Sivers.
Redeye thinks it's likely that Sivers will make a rights issue in Q3.
Redeye states that the Q4 report was weaker than expected and that customer projects will be delayed in both the short and long term.
Svag försäljning och tillväxten skjuts på framtiden Sivers Semiconductors uppvisade en svag försäljning för 2021, 91 mkr jämfört med vårt es...
Redeye states that the Q4 report was weaker than expected, especially regarding projects being delayed.
Redeye states that the partnership with MaxLinear further strengthens Sivers’ footprint through its partnership network.
Q3 lägre än konsensus Försäljning och resultat i Q3 var lägre än Factset konsensus.
Transformativt förvärv Sivers har förvärvat amerikanska Mixcomm för ca 1,2 miljarder kronor.
Poistiva tongångar Photonics Sivers avdelningschef för Photonics presenterade på bolagets kapitalmarknadsdag förra veckan.
Sivers nettoomsättning i Q2 uppgick till 27 mkr (21,5) och EBITDA till −20 mkr (−9).
Redeye states that the Q2 report came in roughly in line with estimates, but somewhat below for Wireless.
Redeye states that while numbers were slightly below our expectations, we still argue that the report was OK.