After the recent rights issue, Ascelia has SEK 75.
Q4 is a reminder that Ascelia ticked some essential boxes during 2024, including completing a successful phase 3 study and securing growth c...
After the recent rights issue, Ascelia has SEK 95.
The preliminary result is 100% support and a gross proceed of SEK 105m.
Ascelia’s Q2 confirmed a contained OPEX base. With support from the recent SPARKLE success and the ongoing secured part of the rights issue,...
Ascelia’s actual 21 result is minor compared with the recent SPARKLE success and the ongoing SEK 105m funding where SEK 70m is secured.
Ascelia proceeds with a rights issue of units to secure growth capital to be able to finalize and submit the NDA application for for the pro...
Ascelia’s Q1 result was minor compared to the recent SPARKLE success.
Ascelia’s actual Q1 result is a very minor event compared with the recent SPARKLE success.
Positiva topline-data Ascelia presenterade under föregående vecka topline-data från fas III-studien SPARKLE (n=85).
Ascelia has just concluded a call providing a commercial road-map following the positive SPARKLE results.
Ascelia achieved the vital objective to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024.
Orviglance meets the primary endpoint in the SPARKLE study with a p-value of
Ascelia's confirmation yesterday that the three professional external readers has completed the image reading process reduces the risk of de...
Q4 – allt under kontroll Ascelias rapport för det fjärde kvartalet innehöll inga överraskningar.
Ascelia’s priority is to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024.
A SEK 20m to SEK 35m financing based with the financial partner Formue Nord Fokus A/S eases the financial pressure ahead of the SPARKLE resu...
The initiation of the SPARKLE reading process reduces the risk of a delayed read-out by May 2024.
Realistiskt att nå SPARKLE-resultat med nuvarande kassa Ascelia levererade en Q3-rapport som var enligt våra förväntningar.
Ascelia's priority is to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024.
the main point is that Ascelia is on track for a re-evaluation on SPARKLE in May 2024 and the cash run rate is stretched beyond Q2 2024.
Ascelias priority is to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024.
Inga överraskningar i rapporten Ascelias rapport för det andra kvartalet innehöll inga överraskningar.
The FDA feedback later this year will be very important.
Planerar för ny datautläsning Ascelia meddelade under måndagskvällen att de planerar att genomföra en ny utläsning av MRI-bilderna i sin fas...
The required revaluation of a certain number of patients showed a high level of variability and this intra-reader inconsistency will require...
The ordinary required revaluation of a certain number of patients showed a high level of variability.
Sommarens höjdpunkt i biotech-Sverige Sommarens stora händelse på den svenska biotechscenen är resultaten från SPARKLE-studien med Ascelias ...
Based on earlier studies, we use a LOA of 85%. If the headline results due by mid-2023 are favorable, we expect Ascelia to complete the Clin...
Kvartalsrapport i linje med våra förväntningar Ascelia presenterade under gårdagen en Q1-rapport som var i linje med våra förväntningar.
The main points is that Ascelia reminds investors that Last Patient Last Visit (LPLV) was completed in March and that Ascelia reminas on tra...
Ascelia is preparing and planning for the launch, and the activities are now expected to shift gear as the pivotal SPARKLE study is fully re...
Q4 – fullt fokus på patientrekrytering Ascelia levererade under fredagen en rapport i linje med våra förväntningar.
Ascelia’s leading SPARKLE study has recruited 71 (out of 80) patients, as announced earlier, and the study is on track for completion by the...
Ascelia announced that 65 patients has now completed the SPARKLE study.
Ändrad omfattning av SPARKLE-studien Ascelia meddelade under förgående vecka att de planerar att stänga fas III-studien med Orviglance med 8...
Bolaget uppdaterar tidsplanen samt minskar antalet deltagare i SPARKLE-studien.
Ascelia's pivotal SPARKLE study will not be completed with 80 patients (earlier up to 200) and we can expect completion by February-March (e...
Q3-rapporten Ascelia presenterade i fredags sin Q3-rapport.
Ascelia is reporting progress towards pivotal results with contained operational costs and cashflow.
Målsättningarna för helåret kvarstår och en FDA-ansökan närmar sig allt mer.
Q2-rapport Ascelias Q2-rapport innehöll inga överraskningar och var i linje med våra förväntningar.
Ascelia’s pivotal study seems to be on track, and the company repeats the goal to reach the full enrolment of 50 patients in 2022.
En undersökning pekar på hög efterfrågan på Orviglance där Fas-3 studie förväntas vara klar innan årsskiftet.
Q1-rapport Ascelia presenterade under gårdagen sin rapport för det första kvartalet.
Ascelia can point to considerable professional interest and confirmed scientific support ahead of the pivotal readout and the subsequent lau...
Ascelia Pharma har kommunicerat förändringar i SPARKLE-studien där två nya grupper läggs till i protokollet.
Inga överraskningar i det finansiella Ascelia presenterade under gårdagen sin rapport för det fjärde kvartalet 2021.
Ascelia continues to advance the pivotal Mangoral (Orviglance) study, which is also supported by recent publication at the RSNA and positive...
Fokus på projekt med låg riskprofil I Ascelia ser vi ett biotechbolag med ett starkt kommersiellt fokus inom onkologi.
The lead project Orviglance (also called Mangoral, an improved contrast agent addressing liver metastases) is slightly delayed by up to 6m d...