Ascelia Q3: On track for a re-readout in May - Redeye

the main point is that Ascelia is on track for a re-evaluation on SPARKLE in May 2024 and the cash run rate is stretched beyond Q2 2024. Ascelia is implementing measures to minimize the reader risk . Ascelia is also expecting a further reduction of the OPEX level in order to extend the dash run rate. Ascelia is confident that the data supports an approval considering earlier results. Even if the risk is controlled and minimized successfully it will never be zero. The second largest challenge for Ascelia is the financial pressure and Ascelia is regarding a global partner strategy as a viable alternative. The actual Q3 is unlikely to result in any major changes in our finacial base case. Our Base Case is SEK 11 (Bull SEK 28 and Bear SEK 3).
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