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Styrelsen i Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) har idag, den 10 januari 2025 beslutat att ansöka om att Bolaget ska försättas i kon...
The board of directors of Ziccum AB (publ) (“Ziccum” or the “Company”) has called for a third investment tranche in accordance with the prev...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) har genomfört en företrädesemission av units, bestående av aktier och teckningsoptioner av serie...
At Ziccum, we just held a concluding session to wrap up 2024, celebrated Christmas and looked forward into 2025.
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) meddelar att Bolagets företrädesemission av units (”Företrädesemissionen”), i vilken teckningspe...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör idag det preliminära utfallet i den företrädesemission av units (”Företrädesemissio...
Ziccum's CEO, Ann Gidner, highlights growing industry interest and business development progress in an interview in Swedish.
Idag, den 5 december 2024, är sista dagen för handel med uniträtter i den pågående företrädesemissionen av units (”Företrädesemissionen”) i ...
Ziccum AB (publ) is proud to announce the completion of the design of its powder separation engineering prototype, a significant milestone i...
Ziccum’s CEO, Ann Gidner, in Questions & Answers session moderated by analyst Jonathan Furelid.
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggjorde den 10 oktober 2024 sin avsikt att besluta om genomförandet av en nyemission av ...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggjorde den 10 oktober 2024 sin avsikt att genomföra en företrädesemission av units om c...
Valberedningens ledamöter inför Ziccums årsstämma 2025 har nu utsetts.
Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has an ongoing project with Copenhagen University to engineer inhalable solid dosage forms of mRNA/LNP.
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) avhöll den 12 november 2024 extra bolagsstämma i Lund.
Den sjunde upplagan av BioStock Life Science Summit går av stapeln 20-21 november, i Lund.
The seventh edition of the BioStock Life Science Summit will take place in Lund on November 20-21.
Watch Ziccum’s CEO Ann Gidner in a comprehensive interview with analyst Jonathan Furelid in Swedish on the highlights of Ziccum’s Q3 2024 re...
The three Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) patent application families advanced to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) stage in April 2...
OBS. Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Ziccum AB (publ) den 8 november 2024 offentliggjordes genom pressmeddelande den 10 oktober 2024.
N.B., Notice of the extraordinary general meeting of Ziccum AB (publ) on 8 November 2024 was published through a press release on 10 October...
The shareholders of Ziccum AB (publ), reg. no. 559107-9412, (the “Company”) are hereby given notice to attend the extraordinary general meet...
Aktieägarna i Ziccum AB (publ), org. nr 559107-9412, (”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 8 november 2024 kl.
Styrelsen för Ziccum AB (publ) ("Ziccum" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör idag sin avsikt att genomföra en nyemission av aktier och teckningsop...
Ziccum announces change of Certified Adviser to Vator Securities
Ziccum is pleased to announce that the appellation of its proprietary technology, LaminarPace, has been officially registered with the Unite...
Watch Ziccum CEO Ann Gidner in a comprehensive interview in Swedish with analyst Jonathan Furelid on the highlights of Ziccum’s Q2 2024 repo...
Today, 2 September 2024, the exercise period for Ziccum AB (publ)’s (”Ziccum” or the ”Company”) warrants of series TO5 (the ”Warrants”), iss...
Ziccum AB (publ) announces important findings on an increase in mRNA drug activity after LaminarPace treatment and the investigations of the...
In a Swedish video interview, Ziccum’s CEO Ann Gidner answers questions from analyst Jonathan Furelid on the topic of business dialogues and...
Vår VD Ann Gidner svarar på frågor om de uppdateringar bolaget delat gällande den växande portföljen av affärsdialoger den 11 juni, samt ett...
The board of directors of Ziccum AB (publ) (“Ziccum” or the “Company”) has called for a second investment tranche in accordance with the pre...
Såsom publicerat 19 juni 2024, har Ziccum AB (publ) tecknat ett avtal med ReCode Therapeutics Inc.
Ziccum AB (publ) has signed an Evaluation Agreement with ReCode Therapeutics, Inc.
Ziccum is continuously engaged in business discussions with potential industrial partners.
On 27 April 2021, the Annual General Meeting of Ziccum AB (publ) ("Ziccum" or the "Company") resolved on a directed issue of not more than 4...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) avhöll den 29 maj 2024 årsstämma i Lund.
Ziccum partners with Dagens Industri, the largest Nordic business paper, to improve shareholders’ access to news updates and raise broader a...
Den 25 april 2024 offentliggjorde Ziccum AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) pressmeddelande innehållande kallelse till Bolagets årsstämma att hållas den ...
Watch Ziccum CEO Ann Gidner in a comprehensive interview with analyst Jonathan Furelid on the highlights of Ziccum’s Q1 2024 report and the ...
Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has filed three PCT applications with ample and significant data covering years of equipment development and ref...
In addition to its existing network of high expertise suppliers and consultants, Ziccum has signed a long-term agreement with the GMP equipm...
Aktieägarna i Ziccum AB (publ), 559107-9412, (”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma den 29 maj 2024 kl.
Ziccum AB meddelar idag att bolagets årsredovisning för 2023 nu finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida www.
On Tuesday May 14th, in Park Avenue New York City, Ziccum CEO Ann Gidner will present at the first event on high-value biotech and biopharma...
Ziccum is reorganizing its administrative functions, due to the increased amount of business dialogues and to perform financial reporting in...
Tisdagen den 12 mars medverkade Ziccum på Stockholm Corporate Finance’s 16:e Life Science Kapitalmarknadsdag i Stockholm.
Ziccum has generated very good findings in the first stages of its collaborative project to engineer inhalable mRNA/LNP together with the Un...
Ziccum AB and project partner Zurich institute of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) have made a milestone review of the LaminarPace simulation (LaPaSi...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Ziccum” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör idag, den 16 februari 2024, utfallet i den företrädesemission av units, bestående a...
Tack vare etableringen av Ziccum som en nyckelspelare för mRNA i internationell läkemedelsindustri, har Ziccums VD Ann Gidner deltagit i en ...
Den 22e januari meddelade Ziccum att finansiering till 2025 säkrats genom en kombinerad riktad emission och företrädesemission.
I en intervju på svenska med Ziccums vd Ann Gidner, diskuteras företagets nya in vivo mRNA-data in-vivo, mRNA-teknologin och dess marknadspo...
Ziccums VD, Ann Gidner, presenterar bolagets unika torkningsteknologi för biologiska läkemedel samt bolagets nyligen publicerade och banbryt...
Vår VD Ann Gidner svarar på frågor om de viktigaste delarna i bolagets senaste kvartalsrapport, Bokslutskommunikén 2024.
Ziccum AB (publ) has performed an animal study, confirming excellent genetic activity of mRNA/LNP materials treated by LaminarPace.
Se Ziccums VD Ann Gidner i en ny videointervju på svenska med Eucaps analytiker Jonathan Furelid.
Ziccum has a schedule of coming IR activities, following the release of its Information Memorandum on 30 January which followed the announce...
Ziccum and its Biotech Corporation collaboration partner have now reviewed the outcomes of the LaminarPace Feasibility study of mRNA/LNP mat...
I slutet av ett spännande och händelserikt år, sammanfattar Ziccums VD Ann Gidner de milstolpar som uppnåtts och den gedigna strategiska pla...
Ziccum AB (publ) has signed a Collaboration Agreement for a project jointly with the Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)...
On Monday Dec 11 Ziccum presents as special guest at a live scientific webinar on ‘Inhaled Biologics’ with inhalation Key Opinion Leader Ass...
Ziccum today announces a change of Certified Adviser from Erik Penser Bank AB to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).
Ziccum’s third funded Feasibility Study signed in recent months, announced on November 7, will provide further LaminarPace data and Ziccum r...
Vaccinbolaget Ziccum har ingått avtal med ett amerikanskt tillverkningsbolag och har därmed avtal inom samtliga tre målsegment; stora biotek...
Ziccum today launches a news portal - Ziccum Updates - on its website to share company news updates in a short, accessible format for invest...
Watch Ziccum CEO Ann Gidner in an exclusive new video interview with Eucaps analyst Jonathan Furelid.
Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has signed a Material Transfer and Evaluation Agreement for a Vaccine Evaluation project with one of the most im...
Det tredje kvartalet 2023 har varit intensivt och produktivt för Ziccum - med det andra av två större utvärderingsavtal undertecknade, betyd...
ZICCUM AB (publ) Interim report Q3 2023
Ziccum AB (publ) has received data from external contract research (CRO) partner Truly Labs, confirming high activity levels in mRNA/LNP mat...
Vad? BioStock Life Science Summit När? 25-26 oktober Var? Hörsalen, Medicon Village, Scheeletorget 1, Lund Varför? Efter presentationen ...
Ziccum has appointed senior international biotech engineering manager Xavier Turon as its new Chief Operating Officer.
In part two of her Analyst interview CEO Ann Gidner offers a deep dive into the second of the company’s recent milestone Feasibility agreeme...
With two paid Evaluation agreements signed with world-leading mRNA partners, after having proven the LaminarPace technology for mRNA/LNP tre...
Ziccum AB is to present at the BioFuture 2023 conference in New York City, October 4 – 6 2023, a key industry event attracting top-tier inve...
Den 17 juli tillkännagav Ziccum ett nytt betalt utvärderingsprojekt - det andra avtalet signerat på bara två månader med ett stort globalt P...
Q2 2023 har utan tvekan varit ett av de mest spännande och produktiva kvartalen i Ziccums historia - med två betalda utvärderingsavtal, tre ...
ZICCUM AB (publ) Interim report Q2 2023
As of today, Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has signed a new Evaluation Agreement with a major global Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Ziccum AB (publ) is sponsoring one of the most well-attended international events in the field of mRNA-based therapeutics in Boston MA, July...
Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has received notification from CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness), that its joint Expression of Inte...
Ziccum AB (publ) has appointed Johny Humaloja as its new CFO.
Missa inte Ziccums presentation under BioStock Life Science Spring Summit, idag den 30 maj kl 12.
Do not miss Ziccum’s presentation at the BioStock Life Science Spring Summit, today May 30 at 12.
New Ziccum Board member Assoc. Prof. Per Gerde has over 55 peer-reviewed scientific papers and six patent families to his name.
The CEO presentation held at the Annual General Meeting of Ziccum AB on May 24th will also be given at BioStock Life Science Spring Summit o...
Ziccum AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) avhöll den 24 maj 2023 årsstämma i Lund.
VD-intervju på svenska
Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has signed an Evaluation agreement with a Biopharmaceutical Corporation focused on mRNA technologies to commence...
Ziccums delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2023 visade ett företag som går mycket starkt framåt på flera fronter - med många nya affärsutvec...