Ziccum appoints senior biopharma executive as new CFO

Ziccum AB (publ) has appointed Johny Humaloja as its new CFO. Johny is a financial executive with decades of experience in the biopharma and biotech industries in Europe and the US. He will assume his new position on June 15. CEO Ann Gidner: “Johny’s profile is a perfect fit for us, as we keep moving forward. His appointment both contributes to and confirms our current international trajectory. We welcome him warmly”.
Johny Humaloja has extensive experience as a financial and controller executive in biopharma, biotech and medtech. He has served in senior positions in Europe and the US and is joining Ziccum from the position as CFO of Amniotics AB, where amongst other achievements he led the company through a successful IPO and listing on Nasdaq first north (in 2021). He will assume his new role at Ziccum on June 15th 2023.
Johny has an Executive MBA in Economics & Management from Lund University as well as a BSc in Business Administration & Economics. He brings extensive operational and industrial experience; he has served as a CFO, Financial and Logistics Director, Financial Control Director and as Plant Controller in the US of a large-scale biotech manufacturing facility with an annual budget of 110 MUSD. This is valuable additional expertise for Ziccum, which is taking its unique pharmaceutical drying technology LaminarPace forward to industrialization through international partnering by its licensing business model.
Johny’s appointment is part of the dynamic growth and development agenda at Ziccum. The company is currently also seeking to recruit a Chief Operating Officer, with international biopharma experience, as it continues to broaden and strengthen its strategic executive expertise. Ziccum’s current CFO, Frida Hjelmberg, will remain in the company for a good transition period.
CEO Ann Gidner: “I am delighted to welcome Johny to Ziccum. As we go forward driving partnered projects for licensing, a new team member with relevant, in-depth industry experience will be a great asset. I would like to thank Frida Hjelmberg for her dedicated work over the last few years. It has been a pleasure working with her. We look forward to having Johny onboard”.
Johny Humaloja: “this is a highly interesting opportunity and I’m very excited to join Ziccum, a true leader in its field with a unique technology and with significant potential. I look forward to helping the company realize that potential, moving Ziccum forward on its financial, operational, and transformational path, and driving an accelerated long-term growth journey”.