Spago Nanomedical’s Phase I/IIa study, Tumorad-01, is recruiting the next patient cohort on the two active sites after securing the go-ahead...
The independent Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) recommends to proceed the clinical Tumorad-01, with inclusion of patients with different tum...
Tumorad-01 is progressing towards the DMC meeting and the study is about to expand the number of patients as well as the number of cancer ty...
Spago Nanomedical’s Phase I/IIa study, Tumorad-01, is progressing with a steady OPEX base in line with our expectations.
Earlier today, Spago Nanomedical provided a study update on the Australian-based Tumorad-01 (I/IIa) trial.
Redeye updates Spago Nanomedical after reporting the Q1 result.
Inga större överraskningar Bolaget är inne i en period där verksamheten drar förhållandevis begränsat med kostnader och under Q1(24) minskad...
Tumorad is in clinical phase 1, and today, Spago Nanomedical announced that Tumorad had promising results in an orthotopic triple-negative b...
Ökad transparens Som förväntat fick vi se rörelsekostnaderna krypa uppåt igen i det fjärde kvartalet efter lågpunkten i Q3.
Redeye updates Spago Nanomedical after reporting the Q4 result.
Spago Nanomedical's lead candidate Tumorad are progressing towards initial results by mid-2024 and Pegfosimer Manganese (SpagoPix) has progr...
Redeye updates Spago after completion of the recent funding and the initiation of the clinical stage for the lead candidate Tumorad.
Primärt mål uppnått Vid en utökad analys, av de åtta patienter med misstänkt endometrios som deltog i fas 2a-studien, konstateras att det pr...
SpagoPix (earlier SN132D, now pegfosimer manganese) was compared with ultrasound and traditional MRI among patients with suspected endometri...
Tumorad-01 has entered the clinical stage, a significant milestone for Spago Nanomedical’s lead radiopharmaceutical oncology program Tumorad...
Klartecken för Tumorad Det finansiella i rapporten för det tredje kvartalet bjöd inte på några större överraskningar.
Redeye briefly comments on the announced rights issue and pauses its coverage.
Tumorad i skarpt läge Efter år av utvecklingsarbete har det blivit dags att inleda utvärdering av Tumorad i patienter.
Redeye comments on Spago Nanomedical’s Q2 2023 report.
Redeye comments on the preliminary data from Spago Nanomedical’s clinical phase IIa trial SPAGOPIX-02.
Redeye comments on Spago’s Q1 2023 report, and we judge the coming 2-3 months will provide some interesting news flows.
Redeye comments on Spago’s Q4 2022 report, and we estimate that the company is making solid progress towards starting its phase I/IIa trial ...
Redeye comments on Spago resolving to conclude SPAGOPIX-01 and starting a phase IIa trial with SpagoPix/SN132D in endometriosis.
Redeye comments on Spago’s Q3 2022 report, and we estimate that the company is closing in on wrapping up its phase I SAGOPIX-01 trial with c...
Redeye comments on Spago’s Q2 2022 report, following the company strengthening its cash position and anticipating several potential catalyst...
Redeye comments on Spago Nanomedical announcing the outcome of its rights issue, sporting a subscription rate of some 94.
Redeye comments on Spago announcing a rights issue of up to SEK 61.
Inget överraskande i siffrorna Rörelsekostnaderna i Q1 2022 ökade till 11,1 mkr (7,4) jämfört med samma period i fjol, pådrivet av en högre ...
Redeye comments on Spago’s Q1 2022 report and the company update presented yesterday.
Finansierat in i Q4'22 Sedan Q2 2021 har vi sett en ökad aktivitet i bolagets båda projekt, vilket höll i sig under det fjärde kvartalet med...
Odramatiska siffror Rörelsekostnader steg till 11,8 mkr (6,0) i Q3 2021, drivet av ökad aktivitet i projekten, framför allt Tumorad.
Rörelsekostnaderna var upp i det andra kvartalet jämfört med Q1'21 och samma period i fjol.
Redeye comments on Spago Nanomedical's Q2 report, which came without any surprises.
Redeye endorses Spago appointing Paul Hargreaves as Chief Development Officer as the company’s Tumorad project approaches the clinical stage...