Aktiemarknaden verkar ha haft högre förväntningar med tanke på dagens kursreaktion, men ur vårt perspektiv ser vi ett tillfälle att komma in...
Underliggande verksamheter går fortsatt mycket bra, men viss mixförskjutning och förberedelsekostnader för beredskapsloksaffären tynger resu...
Resultatmässigt hade vi räknat med något lägre vinst än Q3 ifjol men minskningen var större än förväntat med -29% på rörelseresultatnivå.
Redeye is happy to see that Railcare and LKAB have signed a 5-year agreement with a total value of ~SEK350m.
Ett starkt kvartal till: Depåstoppsmodellen lyfte omsättningen kraftigt, +24%, och resultatet ökade +6% trots problemen i UK.
Redeye remains confident on the case as Railcare showed surprisingly strong sales growth of 24% in Q2.
Redeye notes that Railcare is posting record level sales in Q2 while earnings were slightly below our forecast.
Railcare säkrar tillgång till framtidssäkrade lok genom innovativ affär.
Last week Railcare announced a deal that will secure the supply of locomotives for some of its important contracts and future business.
Med pusselbitarna på plats accelererade lyftet för kursen i februari, men potential finns kvar i aktien.
Redeye is only making minor adjustments to our forecasts following the Q1 report.
Redeye concludes that Railcare had a solid start to the year.
Vad är ett tillväxtbolag? Kan det växa med över 15%, ha tvåsiffrig rörelsemarginal, en 3%ig utdelning och ändå arbeta inom tung industri? Ra...
Redeye is encouraged by Railcare’s new and rather aggressive financial targets of SEK1 billion in sales by 2027 and EBIT margins over 13%.
Redeye is encouraged to see that Railcare has raised its financial targets in conjunction with announcing the full year report.
Railcare nådde rekordomsättning i Q3 trots betydande problem i sektorn.
Redeye is making some small positive revisions to our forecasts and valuation following the Q3 report.
Redeye is happy to see Railcare clearly beating our Q3 earnings forecast.
Redeye is happy to see that Railcare has been awarded another major long-term contract by the Swedish Transport Administration for standby l...
Konjunkturokänslig verksamhet i en expansiv region, innovativ och ledande hållbarhet, stabil utdelning och 10+% tillväxt, borde betalas mer ...
Redeye is encouraged to see that LKAB is extending its contract with Railcare through 2024.
Redeye’s view on the case remains intact and we have only made minor changes to our forecasts following the Q2 report.
Redeye concludes that Railcare is posting another solid quarter with continued growth and stable margins.
Railcare inleder årets första kvartal starkt såväl tillväxt som lönsamhetsmässigt.
Redeye concludes that Railcare had a promising start to the year with higher sales and earnings than we expected.
Redeye concludes that Railcare had a strong start to the year, both in terms of sales and earnings.
Rörelsemarginalen pressades under Q4 och bolaget står inför ökade investeringar.
Redeye was hoping for a stronger finish to 2022 in terms of earnings.
Redeye was hoping for a bit more in terms of Q4 earnings, and so did probably Railcare too.
Railcare växte starkt i Q3 men marginalen pressades av dubbla kostnader.
Redeye is encouraged by the strong Q3 numbers including group sales hitting a new ATH.
Redeye’s expectations were outdone by a wide margin.
Huvudverksamheterna tuffar på och bolaget presterar i höjd med omsättningsmålet.
Redeye’s view on the case remains intact and our forecasts on group level are virtually unchanged.
Railcare posted solid numbers for the second quarter with a significant improvement Y/Y.
Railcare är en nischaktör som lever på flexibilitet och uppfinningsrikedom i en stabil bransch.
Redeye is only making minor adjustments to our financial forecasts following the Q1 report.
Redeye’s estimates on group level were right on target this time.
Redeye is glad to see that LKAB has returned with a new major contract for ore transports.
Redeye is happy to see another quarter with record numbers well above our forecasts.
Redeye is surprised to see another quarter of exceptional growth.
Redeye was surprised to see the huge drop in construction activities during Q2, causing declining revenues and even a reported loss on group...
Redeye was really surprised to see the weak Q2 numbers showing significantly lower revenues and negative earnings for the quarter.