Redeye retains its positive view of Vertiseit following a solid Q4 that largely matches our expectations.
Redeye comments on Vertiseit’s Q4 report, with ARR and EBITDA-CAPEX roughly matching our expectations.
Redeye retains its positive view of Vertiseit following a solid Q3 matching our expectations.
Redeye strengthens its positive view towards Vertiseit following a solid Q3, with most lines matching our forecasts – although EBITDA-CAPEX ...
Redeye takes a positive stance towards the acquisition of Visual Art.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a solid Q2 report, with 21% ARR growth and a healthy EBITDA – CAPEX margin.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a Q2 report that exceeds our expectations.
Redeye retains its positive view of Vertiseit following a directed share issue.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a solid Q1 report, new long-term goals, and insights from the CMD.
Redeye reinforces its view of Vertiseit following a solid Q1 report, with slightly higher ARR growth than expected and a strong gross profit...
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a strong Q4 report, with further improvements in profitability, strong SaaS metr...
Redeye reinforces its positive view of Vertiseit following its Q4 report.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a strong Q3 report, with significant improvements in profitability and cash flow...
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Vertiseit following a strong Q3, with significant improvements in cash flow and profitability being ...
Yesterday, Vertiseit announced the divestment of its transportation business.
Redeye retains its positive view despite lowering its Base Case and forecasts.
Redeye sees a mixed Q2 report from Vertiseit, with strong q/q ARR growth, while OPEX and cash flow were weak.
Redeye retains its positive view of Vertiseit following the Q1 report.
Redeye will likely leave its Base Case and forecasts roughly unchanged following Vertiseit’s Q1 report.
Redeye raises its Base Case and forecasts slightly following a solid Q4 report showing high organic ARR growth.
Redeye retains its positive view of Vertiseit following a solid Q4 report with strong System sales and robust organic ARR growth.
Redeye retains its positive view on Vertiseit following a solid Q3, with margins beating our forecasts and an optimistic outlook.
Redeye strengthens its positive view on Vertiseit following a solid Q3, showing significant margin improvements, beating our expectations.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Vertiseit following a Q2 report fueled with M&A growth.
Redeye retains its positive view on Vertiseit following a Q2 showing solid organic ARR growth.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Vertiseit following a Q1 report beating our forecasts regarding both sales and EBIT.
Redeye sees a solid Q1 report from Vertiseit, with stronger sales and EBIT than we expected.
Redeye retains its Base Case for Vertiseit following a Q4 report beating our forecasts regarding both sales and EBIT.
Redeye's preliminary revisions suggest a small increase in our sales forecast while leaving EBIT largely unchanged.
Redeye sees a solid Q4 report beating our forecasts regarding both sales and EBIT, driven by strong SaaS revenue.
Redeye raises its Base case for Vertiseit following its Q2 report, despite a mixed outcome.
Redeye sees an overall solid Q2 report, with robust ARR growth and a pickup in new sales.