Q2'23 sales -10% vs. ABGSCe Volume decline offset by positive FX impact We cut '23e-'25e sales by 29-42% to reflect trading update Q2'23 in...
Guides for '23e sales of SEK 65m... ... and '23e adj.
Q1'23 sales -19% vs. ABGSCe Increased accounting transparency We cut '23e-'25e sales by 18-7% Q1'23 in brief Q1'23 sales were 19% below our...
'23e-'24e EBITDA down SEK 2m-7m Leeds and Valencia expansions to support growth Positive contribution margin important going forward Q4 in ...
Redeye shares its initial thoughts on Urb-it’s Q4 report, where sales was SEK0.
Sales of SEK 14.3m vs ABGSCe 14.0m EBIT of SEK -35.
Background on guidance upgrade During the week, Urb-it announced a few last-mile delivery partnerships in key geographic areas, namely with ...
Redeye comments on Urb-it's recently announced financial targets.
Urb-it’s Q3’22 report was mixed, with better-than-expected cost control but lower sales.
Redeye states that the Q3 report was mixed, with higher profitability than expected but lower-than-expected net sales growth.
Urb-it announced last night a capital issuance of SEK196m before transaction costs.
Financing options being explored Directed share issue of SEK 23.
Urb-it raised SEK 23.3m from a pre-committed circle of existing investors, including Fjärde AP-fonden, Handelsbanken Fonder, and Skandia.
Last-milebolaget Urb-its nettoomsättning i årets andra kvartal uppgick till 12,5 (5,9) miljoner kronor, en ökning om 110 procent jämfört med...
Q2 numbers in line with ABGSC estimates We forecast H2’22e to grow by triple-digits Transfer of analysts results in significant est.
Redeye tweaks its estimates amid higher ASP and lower volume than expected, resulting in ~7% lower H2 sales estimate while expecting a ~7% i...
Redeye states that the Q2 report was strong, with solid density improvements resulting in a significant decrease in direct cost per delivery...
Operating losses in line with ABGSC est. Sales growth of 110% y-o-y to SEK 12.
Q2 report due August 18 We expect sales of SEK 13m and EBIT of -36m Share is trading at ’22e-’24e EV/Sales of 10-2x Market headwinds with f...
Urb-it stärker sin position på befintliga marknader.
Redeye changes its sales forecast and fair value range after weaker-than-expected sales for Q1 while volumes continue to ramp up.
Seasonally softer, but volumes up 6x y-o-y Continued geographical expansion to support volumes We make minor estimate revisions Q1’22 takea...
Redeye comments on Urb-it’s Q1 report, which showed revenue growth of 124% Y/Y but well below our expectations.
Sales -11% vs ABGSCe (SEK 10.9m vs ABGSCe 12.3m) As we expected, Q1 came in seasonally softer… … but volume ramp-up should continue from her...
Redeye updates its estimates following Urb-it's Q4 report that showed a 10x increase in volume.
Redeye comments on Urb-it’s Q4 report, where net sales grew by 274%, in line with estimates, but costs increased higher than expected.
Urb-it, det hållbara leveransföretaget, har redovisat stark försäljningstillväxt för årets tredje kvartal.
Strong structural underlying market growth Approaching break-even by Q3’23e Initiating coverage with a fair value range of SEK 2.
Urb-its aggressiva försäljningstillväxt fortsätter.