Urb-it: Q4 in line with estimates - ABG

Sales of SEK 14.3m vs ABGSCe 14.0m
EBIT of SEK -35.0m vs ABGSCe -34.4m
Expansion to new cities continues
Q4 results
Urb-it’s Q4 report came in line with our expectations, which were based on a trading update that the company announced mid-December. Sales declined by -11% y-o-y to SEK 14.3m (vs. ABGSCe 14.0m), and volumes decreased by 3% y-o-y. On a like-for-like basis (adjusting for discontinued clients), the volume growth y-o-y was 87%. The losses grew only slightly more than we anticipated, as reported EBITDA amounted to SEK -35.0m (vs. ABGSCe -34.4m).
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