Redeye continues to see a compelling long-term investment case.
Redeye comments on the Q4 report released earlier this morning.
Redeye comments on the Q3 report released earlier this morning.
Redeye increase our growth expectations for the long term while making minor adjustments for the near term.
Redeye comments on the Q2 report released earlier this morning.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news about Apple launching Eye tracking.
Redeye comments on the acquisition announced this morning, where Tobii Dynavox acquires the Australian and New Zealand-based companies Link ...
Redeye nudges our growth expectations for 2024e while slightly increasing costs.
Redeye comments on the Q1 report released earlier this morning.
Redeye alters the medium-term growth outlook on the back of a very upbeat CMD held by Tobii Dynavox last week.
Redeye views the performance of Tobii Dynavox favorably as the expectations continue to be exceeded.
Redeye adjusts our growth assumptions for the second half of 2023e based on strong organic growth outlook and the announced acquisition.
Redeye takes a positive stance on the news that Tobii Dynavox has entered into an agreement to acquire German Rehadapt, a worldwide provider...
Redeye adjusts our growth assumptions slightly for 2023e and beyond.
Redeye adjusts our growth assumptions for 2023e and beyond, the Q4 report increases our conviction in the long-term case.
Redeye is positively surprised by the better-than-expected Q4 report this morning.
Redeye slightly adjusts our expectations on 2023e based on the price adjustments made by CMS in the US and price increases in Europe.
Redeye makes small adjustments to our short-term estimates while increasing the conviction in the long-term case.
Redeye is impressed by the better-than-expected Q3 report this morning.
Redeye initiates coverage of Tobii Dynavox, a leading MedTech/tech company in the AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communications) market.