Redeye concludes that Smart Eye's Q4 2024 report was even better than it looked at first sight.
Redeye notes that the underlying Q4 figures came in stronger than anticipated, primarily due to better-than-expected sales in both Automotiv...
Redeye is pleased to note that Smart Eye announced two new interior sensing design wins worth SEK100m today, hopefully marking the start of ...
Redeye expects Smart Eye’s Q4 report, due 18 February, to show a 4% y/y sales growth and an EBITDA improving to SEK-16m from SEK-27m last ye...
Smart Eye has announced an agreement to license iris recognition technology from Fingerprint Cards for a maximum consideration of SEK50m.
Redeye comments on the recent funding by Smart Eye’s main competitor, Seeing Machines, which has entered into a new partnership with Mitsubi...
Redeye states that while Automotive sales came in as expected, Behavioral Research’s unexpectedly weak quarter made overall Q3 sales fall be...
Redeye notes that Q3 came in softer than anticipated, primarily due to weaker-than-expected sales in Behavioral Research, while Automotive s...
Redeye comments on Smart Eye's announcement about extending its credit facility by SEK150m.
Redeye expects Smart Eye's Q3, due 14 November, to show a 21% y/y sales growth, EBITDA of SEK -19m, and EBITDA-CAPEX of SEK -42m.
Redeye states that the Q2 report came in weaker than expected, with both sales and costs surprising negatively.
Redeye concludes that Q2 came in softer than Redeye had estimated, both in terms of lower sales and higher costs.
Smart Eye today announced 35 new design wins worth SEK700m - a combined order of five different OEMs from a global tier-1.
Redeye expects Smart Eye's Q2, due 21 August, to show a 42% y/y sales growth and a mere SEK4m EBITDA loss.
Redeye provides a research update following Smart Eye’s Q1 2024 report.
Redeye concludes that Q1 came in below its topline expectations, but in line on EBITDA-CAPEX (underlying burnrate), due to better-than-expec...
Smart Eye’s CEO Martin Krantz and CFO Mats Benjaminsson presented the background and purpose of the directed share issue of SEK150m, followe...
Redeye gives its estimate changes in Smart Eye following the recent news flow in the company.
Redeye provides its initial comments following Smart Eye’s directed share issue of SEK150m, announced last night.
Redeye views today's contract from Smart Eye as a breakthrough in AIS.
Redeye provides a brief comment on Smart Eye's second Interior Sensing deal that it was announced earlier today.
Redeye provides a comment following Smart Eye's announcement of its first interior sensing contract.
Redeye in this note comments on today's follow-up contract of SEK160m for Smart Eye and adds a table of our estimates per segment to provide...
Redeye provides a research update on Smart Eye following the Q4 2023 report.
Redeye hosted Smart Eye for a Live Q. Management of Smart Eye presented the company’s quarterly report, followed by a Q&A.
Redeye in this note provides a quick first comment on the Smart Eye year-end report.
Redeye has made minor estimate changes ahead of the Smart Eye year-end report due in two weeks on February 21.
Redeye is impressed by today’s mega-deal of SEK1.55 bn for Smart Eye.
Redeye is pleased to note that Smart Eye has received two new contracts for a total of SEK 300m and 21 car models.
Redeye has opened an Analyst Q&A in conjunction with the latest research update on Smart Eye.
Redeye states that the Smart Eye investment case is now playing out exactly according to plan.
Redeye concludes that the Q3 report came in right on its estimates on practically all fronts - implying strong growth and cash flow under co...
Redeye makes a slight downward adjustment to its Q3 estimates following some additional data points.
Redeye highlights its key assumptions ahead of the Q3 report, due 9 November.
Redeye thinks today's announcement of 12 new design wins with a new OEM customer only marks the beginning of a period with many similar anno...
Redeye thinks the Q2 was strong - both confirming the inflection point in Automotive and regarding cash flow.
Redeye concludes that Q2 was strong, particularly regarding the most important aspects - Automotive sales and cash flow.
Redeye comments on Smart Eye's breakthrough deal for AIS with Linde.
Redeye states that the Q1 report was solid, but not great.
Redeye notes that Smart Eye’s competitor Tobii yesterday received its first design win, though small (Redeye estimates SEK33m per year).
Redeye thinks the change of CFO appears to be a change of co-pilot from the CEO, rather than Martin Bjuve (leaving CFO) quitting.
Redeye thinks that with the rights issue completed, Smart Eye is now set to start its revenue acceleration that will likely result in c40% c...
Redeye thinks the presented study of global and European DMS adoption supports Smart Eye becoming cash flow positive in H2 2024.
Redeye states that the design wins announced today were expected.
Redeye is encouraged by Smart Eye’s first deal for heavy trucks, and thinks this is the first out of several large tenders for this segment.
Redeye comments on Smart Eye's rights issue, which was subscribed to more than 100% and was hence successful.
Redeye has interviewed Smart Eye’s CEO, Martin Krantz, about the ongoing equity issue, the reason for it and what it takes for the company t...
Redeye comments on the subscription price for the ongoing rights issue - which was set below Redeye's expectations.
Redeye concludes that Q4 was more or less exactly in line with Redeye’s sales estimates – both for Automotive and for Behavioral Research.
Redeye updates its fair value range following the up to 53 design wins from a new major North American car manufacturer (OEM).
Redeye updates its fair value range following the announced rights issue.
Redeye comments on Smart Eye’s intention to resolve on a fully covered rights issue of SEK325m before deductions for transaction costs, as w...
Redeye is optimistic about today’s announcement of a new OEM customer, bringing the total number to 15.
Redeye concludes that Q3 came in just below Redeye’s estimates on a like-for-like basis.
Redeye is positive about Smart Eye's announcement of a new platform deal from an existing OEM customer.
Redeye thinks yesterday’s deal between Seeing Machines and Magna will grant Seeing Machines a certain minimum market share going forward but...
Redeye comments on Smart Eye’s news flow from AutoSens, the automotive fair currently ongoing in Brussels.
Redeye states that Q2 was OK. While Automotive hasn’t started ramping up yet, management appeared confident about future procurements.
Redeye concludes that Q2 was in line with sales estimates but included a higher cost base than expected.
Redeye estimates that Smart Eye’s ramp-up of revenues will be delayed by 1-2 quarters.
Redeye concludes that Q1 was weaker than our expectations.
Redeye is positive about the announcement of three new design wins, but states they were very much expected.
Redeye thinks the Q4 report was good and according to plan.
Redeye concludes that Q4 was a good quarter for Smart Eye.
Redeye views the Q2 report as a non-event since significant revenues should not come now, but later.
Redeye states that while semiconductor shortage affect automotive sales negatively, we maintain our positive view of Smart Eye.