Redeye updates on Raketech following the company’s Q4 report where we have lowered our growth forecasts given continued negative topline dev...
Raketech’s Q4-results were in line with the preannouncement from February 4 where the company reported softer than expected topline and EBIT...
Redeye comments on Raketech’s preannounced Q4-results which were lower than expected while the company further announced an impairment charg...
Redeye updates on Raketech following weaker-than-expected Q3-results.
Redeye comments on Raketech’s Q3-results which were weaker than expected, driven mainly by Sub-affiliation.
Redeye updates on Raketech ahead of Q3-results (due 14 November) where we expect a soft quarter with tough comps, although it will likely be...
Redeye updates on Raketech following its Q2-results where topline was weaker than expected while profitability was stronger than forecasted.
Redeye comments on Raketech’s Q2-results where topline was somewhat softer than expected while EBITDA was above our forecasts.
Redeye updates on Raketech ahead of Q2-results (due 14 August) where we expect continued uncertainty for Casumba while we expect the perform...
Redeye comments on Raketech’s divestment of its US high-touch tipster advisory business as it increases focus on affiliate and digital subsc...
Redeye updates on Raketech after its Q1-results where performance was softer than expected, mainly driven by a Google update which impacted ...
Redeye comments on Raketech’s Q1-results which were in line with the preliminary outcome that was announced on May 1.
Preliminära siffror visar på magnituden av Googles uppdatering Raketech har släppt preliminära siffror för bolagets första kvartal, omsättni...
Redeye comments on Raketech’s preliminary Q1-results which are lower than expected as the company has been negatively impacted by an update ...
Tekniska förändringar hos Google Under Q1 och inledningen av Q2 har det genomförts en större uppdatering av Googles algoritmer.
I linje med given guidning Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 22,8m, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 45,3%.
Redeye updates on Raketech following the company’s Q4-results which were largely in line with our expectations.
Redeye comments on Raketech’s Q4-results which were in line with our forecasts.
Redeye comments on the announcement that Oskar Mühlbach will leave as CEO and that Raketech's founder Johan Svensson will become Acting CEO.
Redeye initiates coverage on Raketech which is a tech-focused affiliate and performance marketing group with a strong focus on online gambli...
Stark tillväxt höjer guidning Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 21,5m vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 65,8% y/y och 22,1% q/q.
We terminate commissioned coverage on Raketech Group Holding.
Visar styrka i Q2 och ny guidning Omsättningen för kvartalet uppgick till EUR 17,6m, vilket motsvarar en organisk tillväxt om 56%.
With the Q2 numbers pre-announced, the focus of the quarterly report was on the trading update and the 2024 outlook.
Raketech just released Q2 numbers in line with its earlier announced reversed profit warning, with revenues of EUR 17.
Revers profit warning with upgraded guidance for FY 2023.
With continued strong momentum in the networks business, we expect the traditional seasonal softness to be less pronounced, and we estimate ...
Ett förvärv som levererat Raketech förvärvade i augusti 2019 affiliatebolaget Casumba.
Ett stort steg mot given guidning Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 15,8m, vilket motsvarar en organisk tillväxt om 24% y/y.
With better-than-expected performance in RoW, partly owing to Casumba and the Japanese market, Raketech once again delivered a report and tr...
Raketech just released super solid set of Q1 numbers, and a better than expected start to the second quarter.
Partly driven by a strong start to 2023, with January revenue at EUR 5m, we expect another solid quarter, with y/y organic growth of 17% and...
I linje med given guidning Omsättningen för helåret uppgick till EUR 52,6m, vilket motsvarar en organisk tillväxt om 11%.
Raketech reported solid Q4 results, with revenue of EUR 17.
Raketech just released a solid Q4 report, and a better than expected start to the first quarter.
We forecast a seasonally strong Q4, with organic growth of 14%, supported by the FIFA World Cup, the US Tipster business and other league st...
Omsättning något över våra estimat Omsättningen uppgick till EUR 12,9m vs våra estimat om EUR 12,3, medan tillväxten uppgick till 35% varav ...
With activity picking up from mid-September onwards, as expected, we are optimistic about Raketech's Q4, for which we expect organic growth ...
Raketech just released a decent Q3 report, and a start of the fourth quarter in-line with our forecast.
We continue to expect activity to pick up significantly starting in mid-September, after a somewhat softer summer, which is seasonally typic...
Säsongsmässigt svagt kvartal Omsättningen i Q2'22 uppgick till EUR 11,3m (EPB EUR 12,4m).
As the Q2 report and the trading update for Q3 did not contain any surprises, we leave our 2022-24 estimates almost unchanged.
Raketech just released a somewhat soft Q2 report, and a decent start to Q3.
As sporting activity tends to soften throughout the second quarter with major leagues finishing their seasons, we expect activity levels to ...
Q1 revenue was in line with our estimate, with a higher cost base than expected and a somewhat soft start to Q2.
Raketech just released a soft Q1 report, and weak start to Q2.
We trim our Q1 estimates ahead of the report, as we expect activity to drop ~25% q/q in the Finnish market due to new gambling regulations.
Stark organisk tillväxt om 12,5% i Q4 Omsättningen för helåret uppgick till EUR 38,5m vs.
Raketech reported a solid Q4 overall, with revenues 4% below our expectations, whereas adjusted EBITDA fell 2% short.
We expect Raketech to deliver yet another record quarter with revenue of EUR 12.
Krossar marknadens förväntningar Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 9,6m jämfört med konsensus om EUR 9,2m vilket motsvarar en organi...
Raketech delivered strong results for Q3 2021, with solid operational trends continuing in Q4.
(Rättelse: avser bolagsnamnet) We expect Raketech's strong Q2 momentum continued in Q3, leading to organic growth of 17% y/y.
Omsättningen i Q2'21 uppgick till EUR 8,8m vs våra estimat om 8,6m.
Raketech's Q2 report was 2% above our expectations on EBITDA, posting strong organic growth of 25.
Förvärvar QM Media för EUR 16m Raketech har förvärvat det svenska affiliatebolaget QM Media för EUR 16m.
We believe Q2 2021 will be strong and forecast 20% y/y growth (18% organic), with 18% adjusted EBITDA growth.