Raketech Q4 2024: Results in line with preannouncement - Redeye
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Raketech Q4 2024: Results in line with preannouncement - Redeye


Raketech’s Q4-results were in line with the preannouncement from February 4 where the company reported softer than expected topline and EBITDA. Looking at the revenue mix, all segments showed lower topline than we expected, while the regional mix revealed sequential growth in the Nordics. The company states that it this far sees somewhat lower revenue in Q1 compared to Q4, while adding that Sub-affiliation saw a gradual pick-up in February.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/1080365/raketech-q4-2024-results-in-line-with-preannouncement?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS

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