CFO Rasmus Untidt appointed CEO with immediate effect Following past years' restructuring and streamlining.
2024e-'26e EBIT raised by 5% We are above the upper end of guidance Strong order book and robust outlook Updated forecast puts us ahead on ...
Revenues and EBIT 2 and 14% ahead of expectations Order intake of DKK 2.
2024e estimates raised by 1-2% on order phasing We're above guidance midpoint but expect unchanged FY'24 outlook Order intake picking up fol...
JV with French group Eiffage to build Copenhagen rainfall tunnel MTH DK's share is just over 50% Guidance unchanged Construction between 20...
DKK 650m order over eight years Renovation and expansion of electrical distribution network Strengthens footprint within structural growth s...
EBIT revisions of -6% to + 3% Good order execution and financial discipline Order intake and loss from continued operations disappointed Co...
Revenues and EBIT increase by 6 and 65% Order intake of DKK 1,254 misses our forecast by 26%.
We cut our estimates by 2-3% due to lower order intake forecast DK operations should be doing fine Flagging that Greenland sale may be harde...
Om Monday, MTHH announced the disposal of its Faroe Island ops Keeping cash flow stable would further boost net cash position Doable, but no...
Robust guidance with earnings outlook ahead of expectations New CEO a passion for ESG and on delivering profitable growth Disposal of non-co...
2024e-25e sales and EBIT cuts of 2-6% Based on robust order book, we forecast 2024e sales of DKK 10.
We increase '23e EBIT by 21%, and lower '24e-'25e by 1-6% Ends the quarter with an adjusted order book of DKK 19.
Revenues and EBIT of Danish operations growth by 23% and 89% Delays meant that order intake dropped by 56% Focus on profitable growth going ...
2023-25e earnings forecasts raised by 3-64%... ...due to the sale of International, strong development in DK We forecast Q3'23 sales of DKK ...
- Board of directors decides to initiate sale process for International activities - Due to reclassification, FY'23 revenue guidance is lowe...
Revenue guidance raised to DKK 10bn from DKK 9.0 - 9.
MT Højgaard announces win of Rønne harbour phases 3 and 4No order amount included in Tuesdays press releaseTender material indicates value o...
E&P in wins tender in collaboration with close partners No impact on financial guidance We currently forecast Q4'23 order intake of DKK 770...
2023e sales increased by 4%, earnings lowered by 2% Earnings forecasts beyond 2023e up by 7-17% Strong orderbook comforting in tough market ...
Sales increase 21%, 17% ahead of our expectations Robust Danish operations and strong order book International impacts earnings by DKK -64m ...
Earnings forecast lowered by 5-25% Q2'23e sales increase of 7% Focus on the ongoing stategic process Revisions driven by restructuring, ord...
Nordic Wood exercises option to buy ScandiByg Removes overhand and frees up management resources Sale price of approximately DKK 30m MTHøjg...
Recent reviews of Greenland, SETH triggered the downgrade Conservative view embedded in downgrade Future risks (2024e), if any, hinge on Gre...
Continued underperformance in Greenland triggers downgrade Strategic process for MTH International initiated Call with management Monday at ...
Strong backlog allows focus on quality improvements Hands-on focus on Greenland as guidance depends on it Ambitions for shareholder-friendly...
2023e sales and earnings forecasts lowered by 2-13% Danish operations performing well under current market conditions Another record-high or...
Sales and earnings lower than expected Earnings hit by underperforming contracts in Greenland Strong order intake pushed order book to anoth...
2023e sales and EBIT lowered by 1% due to phasing of orders Strong order intake; Sales growth boosted by low comps Focus on operating enviro...
2023e order book forecast increased by 4% 2023e-24e revenue, EBIT (before s.
Receives record DKK +2bn PPP order. Boosts an already high order book Another quality stamp for MTHH Record order book of DKK 14bn by end o...
Raising estimates by 7-21%. Raised order intake, sales and earnings New strategy, as expected.
Good Q4 despite one-off'sStrong order intake. Order book in-lineGuidance 5 -16% above our expectationsGoodwill write down of DKK 44m in Inte...
Q4'22 numbers were pre-announced in December 2023 marks the end of the Sustainable '22 strategy Getting ready for the 'next phase'? We fore...
MTHH has decided to initiate a sales process for Scandi Byg Market has increasingly been questioning its fit within MTHH Today's announcemen...
MTHH has decided to initiate a sales process for Scandi BygMarket has increasingly been questioning its fit within MTHHToday's announcement ...
MTH shares (50/50) DKK 1.2bn prod. facility order from NovoLikely has above-average profitability.
ScandiByg considers laying off up to 60 employees Cites challenging conditions and lack of orders Follows several Q’s of negative earnings a...
Guidance particularly dependent on project sales in Q4 ScandiByg should be in the black during 2023 Focus on executing on record high order ...
We revise our ’22e-’24e sales forecasts by 0 to +2%.
Sales up 24%, EBIT down 29% Sales, EBIT 6% and 26% lower than our expectations Guidance maintained ScandiByg, MTHPU and International had a...
We expect order intake of DKK 3.2bn excluding JVs Sales of DKK 2,356m and EBIT (adj.
CEO and CFO presented at our Seminar today Focus on order-book contract mix (indexed / not indexed) Has negotiated wage increases of 3% M...
Confident management team Focus on a strong and robust orderbook Pipeline may be underappreciated Order book and pipeline potential in e...
Forecasts for 2023-24e lowered by ~1% Record order book, partnerships have lowered risk Fair value adjusted to DKK 120-250 (125-255) 2022e f...
Surprisingly strong order intake at E&P and MTH DK Order book increase to DKK 12bn bodes well for future Delays at Scandi Byg contribute to ...
Unchanged estimates ahead of Q2’22 We forecast sales and EBIT of DKK 1.
Q1 shows continued growth and improved EBIT margin Order intake of ~DKK 2bn in Q1, no cancelled orders… …and a diversified order backlog, p...
Q1’22 revenues up 25% (ABGSCe 33%) Strong order intake, despite volatile environment Diversified order backlog provide comfort Continued EBI...
Q1 should be similar to Q4, with strong growth Short-term risks driven by external environment.
Guidance for ‘21 includes pickup in H2, but looks doable Next step for MTHH is to focus on balancing projects CFO confirms a strong pipeline...
Write-downs (~DKK 22m) overshadow a great Q2 We expect a high ~4% adj.
Strong Q2’21e order intake of DKK 3.5bn Underlying momentum for new orders continues We reiterate our FVR of DKK 170-290/share Due to the ti...