MT Højgaard Holding: Large order and modest comparison base - ABG
2023e sales and EBIT lowered by 1% due to phasing of orders
Strong order intake; Sales growth boosted by low comps
Focus on operating environment, potential cancellations, etc.
MTHH to release its Q1'23 earnings report on 11 May
Ahead of MTHøjgaard Holding's (MTHH) Q1'23 earnings report on 11 May, we lower our FY'23 sales and EBIT forecasts by 1% as we keep our FY'23 order intake forecast unchanged at DKK 10,402m (decline of 13% y-o-y) but make it more back-end loaded. Our 2023e EPS is raised by 9.6% due to slightly lower net interest expenses and taxes.
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