Redeye updates on Northbaze Group following its Q4 results, which were weaker than expected in terms of sale.
The report was overall weaker than expected, primarily due to three out of four segments underperforming.
Redeye publish a preview ahead of Northbaze's Q4 results, set to be released on Februaty 20.
Northbaze Group AB will receive approximately SEK 5.
Henrik Andersson, who has served as CEO of Northbaze since 2018, has informed the board of directors of his intention to step down.
Northbaze Group AB has decided to carry out a fully guaranteed rights issue of units valued at approximately SEK 5.
The report was overall better than expected and the main deviation comes from a slower itegration of Enter sales in September.
Redeye provides a preview of Northbaze's Q3 results, set to be released on November 21.
Northbaze announced yesterday the acquisition of Enter Sales & Distribution AB, a company with three key business areas: Distribution Servic...
Redeye updates on Northbaze following its Q2 results, which were stronger than expected in both sales and profitability.
Redeye comments on Northbaze Q2 2024 report. The Q2 2024 report was better than expected with sales incresing 17% with positive EBIT of SEK1...
Redeye updates on Northbaze following its Q1 results, which were weaker than expected on the topline but much in line with our EBITDA foreca...
Redeye comments on Northbaze Q1 2024 report. EBITDA margin was good.
Redeye updates on Northbaze following Q4 results, which were weaker than expected on the topline but in line with our EBITDA forecasts.
Northbaze Q4 report came in under our estimate and the company continues to strugle in a difficult enviroment.
Northbaze Group AB has declared bankruptcy for its subsidiary, HAPJ AB, due to poor financial performance attributed to the closure of its k...
Northbaze announced late 22rd of December it aquired 100% of Lowwi AB (Skalhuset.
Redeye believes, in terms of cost restructuring, that the worst will soon be over for Northbaze Group.
Improved gross margin but weak revenue.
Redeye considers the partnership with Elon Group AB (Elon) to be a strategically sound move that aligns with Northbaze’s overall strategy.
Redeye maintains a positive view of Northbaze, even in the face of a substantial sales contraction.
Redeye provides a first comment on the back of Northbaze Group’s Q2 2023 report.
Redeye comments on the recent development involving Henrik Andersson, CEO of Northbaze Group, who has significantly increased his ownership ...
Redeye states that the Q1 2023 sales figures were significantly below our estimates, while the gross margin remained in line with our projec...
Redeye provides an update on Northbaze's Q4 2022 report.
Redeye provides a first comment on the back of Northbaze Group’s Q4 report.
Redeye provides a comment on Northbaze's 2022 preview
Redeye provides a first comment on the back of Northbaze Group’s Q3 report.
Redeye considers the Q2 report from Northbaze to be strong and confirm its steps toward becoming a true qualitative company.
Redeye states that the Q2 report was very strong, both in terms of sales and profitability.
Redeye lowers its estimates because of the slow Q1 and due to uncertainty about the big Russian order.
Redeye states that the Q1 report came in well below estimates on sales but that profitability was strong.
Redeye makes slight downward estimate adjustments following the Q4 report.
Redeye states that the Q4 report was on the weaker side, but still OK.
Redeye states that while sales came in lower than expectations, the company continues to impress on the cost side.