Redeye provides a research update following the Q4 report published by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Redeye provides a research update following the Q3 report published by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Redeye provides a research update following the Q2 report published by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Redeye provides a research update following the Q1 report published by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Redeye briefly comments on the announcement of an indication expansion made by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Lägre kostnader i Q3 I fokus under det tredje kvartalet stod framför allt slutförandet av fas 2b-studien med pudafensine, där bolaget sederm...
Redeye provides a short research update following the positive phase IIb results with lead candidate pudafensine published by Initiator Phar...
Positiva data Första resultaten från fas 2b-studien med pudafensine inom organisk erektil dysfunktion (ED) är genomgående positiva.
Redeye is encouraged to learn that Initiator Pharma’s most advanced candidate, pudafensine, demonstrated statistically significant and clini...
Redeye provides a comment on the announcement of a potential indication expansion made by Initiator Pharma earlier today.
Redeye is encouraged to learn that Initiator Pharma has obtained positive data from its phase I drug formulation and pharmacokinetics study ...
Redeye leaves a short comment following the announcement of completed patient recruitment in Initiator Pharma’s ongoing phase IIb study with...
Lovande resultat Nyligen presenterades fas 2a-resultat för IP2018 inom erektil dysfunktion i 24 yngre individer med en underliggande lindrig...
Redeye leaves a comment following the phase IIa topline results of IP2018 announced by the company earlier today.
Redeye leaves a comment following Initiator Pharma’s announcement earlier today stating that it will initiate a phase I pharmacokinetic stud...
Redeye leaves a comment on the Q3 report and clinical development update published by Initiator Pharma earlier this morning.
Initiator Pharma announced today that the final dataset and analysis had been obtained in the IPTN2021 Phase I trial.
Redeye revisits the Initiator Pharma equity story following the company’s continued clinical advancements and recent capital raise.
Redeye leaves a comment on the Q2 report published by Initiator Pharma earlier this morning.
Redeye leaves a comment following Initiator Pharma’s announcement of the outcome of the recent preferential rights issue.
Redeye leaves a short comment following Initiator Pharma’s announcement earlier today of a minor directed share issue to a financial advisor...
Following the completion of the first clinical Proof-of-Principle (PoP) study in the IPTN2021 program, Initiator Pharma today announced that...
Hög aktivitet I takt med att den kliniska aktiviteten har tilltagit, tre kliniska studier som pågår parallellt, så har vi fått se bolagets k...
Redeye leaves a comment on the Q1 report Initiator Pharma released earlier this morning.
Redeye leaves a comment following Initiator Pharma’s announcement earlier this morning of a proposed directed share issue and fully guarante...
We give a short comment on the news that Initiator Pharma has signed an exclusive option agreement for a late-stage drug candidate.
Kostnaderna tickade upp Rapporten för Q4 2021 summerade ett händelserikt kvartal, där den kliniska portföljen utökades till tre aktiva progr...
Redeye leaves a comment on the Q4 report Initiator Pharma released earlier this morning.
Inget drama i Q3 Under tredje kvartalet 2021 uppgick rörelsekostnaderna till 9,2 MDKK (3,1).
Stark period i ryggen Bolaget och aktien har utvecklats bra i år, vilket varit drivet av framsteg i projekten, förstärkta finanser och bättr...
Initiator Pharma announced today that it has signed a screening agreement with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to evaluate the p...
Redeye initiates coverage of Initiator Pharma, a Danish biotech company, primarily developing CNS-targeted drugs for Erectile Dysfunction (E...