Yesterday evening, Hoylu communicated that a number of shareholders in the Company, including board members and the Company’s CEO has decide...
Redeye returns with an update following Hoylu’s Q1 2024 report that was largely in line with our estimates.
Redeye comments on Hoylu’s Q1 2024 report, meeting our ARR forecast, while slightly beating our EBITDA driven by lower costs than expected.
Redeye returns with an update following Hoylu’s Q4 2023 report that missed our expectations across the board.
Redeye comments on Hoylu’s Q4 2023 report, with figures missing our expectations across the board.
Redeye returns with an update following Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report that posted solid figures in line with our estimates.
Redeye comments on Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report, posting figures largely in line with our estimates.
Redeye provides a short comment regarding Hoylu’s recent announcement that the United States Navy has selected the company’s platform for te...
Redeye provides a research update following Hoylu’s Q2 2023 report.
Redeye states its view on Hoylu’s Q2 2023 report, announced earlier today.
Redeye adjusts its fair value range following Hoylu’s decision to do a reverse split (1:20).
Redeye comments on the outcome of Hoylu’s rights issue announced yesterday evening.
Redeye provides a research update following Hoylu’s Q1 2023 report.
Redeye states its view on Hoylu’s Q1 2023 report, announced earlier today.
Redeye provides a research update following Hoylu’s Q4 2022 report.
Redeye states its view on Hoylu’s Q4 2022 report, announced earlier today.
Redeye comments on Hoylu’s rights issue that was revealed yesterday, proposing a fully secured rights issue of SEK82.
Redeye states its view on today’s December ARR update from Hoylu that closing its Q4 2022 figures.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s announcement that Hoylu carried out a directed issue of convertible loan notes corresponding to a value of SE...
Redeye makes slight forecast adjustments following Hoylu’s Q3 2022 report.
Redeye states its view on Hoylu’s Q3 2022 report, announced earlier today.
Redeye states its view on today’s September ARR update from Hoylu that closing its third quarter.
Hoylu växer omsättningen under kvartalet och stort fokus är fortsatt på att kapa kostnader, men vägen till lönsamhet kan fortsatt dröja.
Redeye raises its Base Case following Hoylu’s Q2’22 report.
Redeye will likely make minor forecast adjustments following Hoylu’s Q2’22 report revealed earlier this morning.
Redeye gives a short comment on today’s May ARR update from Hoylu.
Hoylu ökade återkommande intäkter med 39 procent för årets första kvartal och genererade hela 14 nya kundavtal.
Redeye lowers its Base Case following Hoylu’s Q1’22 report.
Redeye’s preliminary revisions suggest adjustments to Hoylu’s 2022E and 2023E, as its Q1’22 figures showed a higher OPEX increase than we ex...
Redeye gives a comment on today’s March ARR update from Hoylu, closing the first quarter in 2022.
Återkommande intäkter +92% på årsbasis Hoylu avslutar 2021 bra omsättningsmässigt, upp 30% på årsbasis och de återkommande intäkterna (ARR, ...
Redeye lowers its Base case following Hoylu’s Q4 report, where the ARR-SaaS continuous to drive the growth.
Redeye’s preliminary revisions suggest minor adjustments to Hoylu’s “2022E and 2023E, as the Q4’21 was largely in line with our estimates, e...
Redeye gives a short comment on today’s January ARR update from Hoylu.
Uppvisar god tillväxt och bättre bruttomarginal Hoylu rapporterar ett kvartal där nettoomsättningen uppgår till 8,1 miljoner kronor (6,1), m...
Hoylu rapporterar en nettoomsättning andra kvartalet på 8,4 miljoner kronor, motsvarande en tillväxt på cirka 2,5 procent.