Redeye updated its estimates and fair value range following Heliospectra’s Q4 2024 report and the fully secured rights issue of SEK 25.
Redeye provides its initial take on Heliospectra’s Q4 results, noting that while sales were below expectations and costs came in higher, the...
Redeye comments on Heliospectra’s proposed rights issue, fully secured by its main owner, Weland Stål AB, which currently holds 47.
Redeye updated its estimates and fair value range following Heliospctras Q3 2024 report, in which sales matched our forecast, but the margin...
Redeye shares its initial comments on Heliospectra's Q3 results, noting that sales and cost base figures were roughly in line with estimates...
Redeye concludes that Q2 revenues were weaker than expected, derived from short-term delays and order timing.
Redeye comments on Heliospectra’s Q2 results, noting that sales were weaker than expected due to short-term delays and the timing of orders.
Redeye takes a positive stance on Heliospectra’s capital coverage guarantee, which was announced last evening.
Redeye maintains its optimistic outlook post the Q1 2024 report despite slightly lower sales and profitability than expected.
Redeye is very encouraged by the strong order intake during the quarter, which came in c70% above our forecast.
Redeye has revised its estimates in light of Heliospectra’s Q4 2023 report, which was slightly softer than expected regarding sales and orde...
Redeye leaves its initial comments on Heliospectras’ Q4 2023 report, in which the figures were slightly softer than expected.
Redeye comments on Heliospectra’s bride loan, announced last evening.
Redeye has revised our estimates in light of Heliospectra’s Q3’23 report, which showed a suppressed top-line and order intake due to macroec...
Redeye concludes that Heliospectra’s Q3 report was somewhat weaker than anticipated in terms of both top-line revenue and order intake.
Redeye provides an update following Heliospectra’s Q2’23 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Heliospectra’s Q2’23 report, noting that sales surpassed our expectations.
Redeye provides an update following Heliospectra’s Q1’23 report, where an increased gross margin, a well-controlled cost basis, and manageme...
Redeye provides its initial take on Heliospectra’s Q1’23 report, stating that sales and order intake were weaker than our forecast.
Redeye comments on the outcome of Heliospectra's rights issue, which received a subscription rate of c83%.
Redeye comments on Heliospectra’s rights issue, announced earlier this morning.
Redeye provides an update following Heliospectra’s amended Q4'22 report, in which order intake was significantly increased from SEK7.
Redeye provides its initial thoughts on Heliospectra’s fourth-quarter report, which showed net sales of SEK 10.
Redeye endorses today’s news from Heliospectra, an order of USD780,000 from an American AgTech company.
Redeye adjusts our near-term forecasts and our valuation following the Q3 report and the recent share issuance.
Redeye leaves its initial take on Heliospectra’s Q3 report, which came in with a firm order intake of SEK 9.
Redeye is making some further adjustments to our near-term forecasts following a rather soft Q2 report.
Redeye recognizes that Heliospectra currently is in a phase of transition.
Redeye is still optimistic about Heliospectra and the prospects for its new strategic direction as a system supplier within Smart Farming.
Redeye’s expectations on the Q1 numbers were rather modest as Heliospectra is in a transitional phase following its strategic shift.
Redeye has made some revisions to near-term forecasts following Heliospectra’s shift in strategic direction, the Q4 report and other recent ...
Redeye’s expectations were almost in line with Heliospectra’s Q4 numbers, adjusted for non-recurring write-downs.
Redeye remains positive on the case as we see Heliospectra very well positioned to benefit from the long-term growth trends in the Aghort in...
Redeye notes that Heliospectra’s Q2 numbers are on par with Q1 and mainly in line with our expectations.