Redeye provides a brief comment on Flexion Mobile’s new agreement with King, under which Flexion Mobile will bring King’s brand-new game, Ca...
Strong sales growth in Q3, but 5% below our expectations We cut 2025e EBIT 1% but raise 2026e 4% on lower opex Share is trading at 7-5x EV/E...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q3 2024 report, which was largely in line with expectations.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile's Q3 2024 report, which was better than expected in terms of margins, while sales came in somewhat softer ...
Redeye provides a brief comment on today’s news that Flexion Mobile has filed its 2023 annual accounts, resolving the uncertainties surround...
Redeye provides a brief comment on yesterday's news, where a U.
Solid sales growth (14% y-o-y) and positive FCF EBIT estimates down slightly on higher opex in Q2 7-5x EV/EBIT in '25e-'26e with 12% sales C...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q2 2024 report.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile's Q2 2024 report, which was in line with our expectations.
Redeye comments on recent news from Flexion Mobile, which has finally filed its delayed 2022 accounts and signed an agreement with King, to ...
Flexion to distribute Candy Crush on alternative app stores Potential revenue contribution of up to ~GBP 30m per year We expect consensus to...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q1 2024 report.
Adjusted EBITDA of GBP 1.6m, +29% vs. ABGSCe We raise '24e-'26e EBITDA by 12-20% Share is trading at 16-5x EV/EBIT on '24e-'26e (8-10% FCF y...
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile's Q1 2024 report, which came in at the higher end of the company’s guidance and above our estimates in ter...
Adj. EBITDA of GBP 2m in line with pre-annoucement (ABGSCe 3m) We trim sales but raise '24e EBIT from GBP -2m to 2m on lower D&A Share is tr...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q4 2023 report.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile's Q4 2023 report, which aligned with preliminary figures.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile’s preliminary Q4 numbers, demonstrating a strong year-end for the company with a y/y growth of 12% and an ...
Redeye comments on last week’s news from Apple, where it announced changes to iOS and the App Store in response to the Digital Market Act (D...
Q3 soft, as expected, but we see a ramp-up in Q4e EU's Digital Markets Act could fuel growth in 2024 Share is trading at 7.
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q3 2023 report.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobiles Q3 2023 report, which aligned with preliminary figures on top-line while profitability was somewhat weake...
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile’s preliminary figures for Q3-Q4 and its revised full year guidance for 2023.
Cuts 2023 growth guidance to 0-10% (20-40%) Q3 sales below expectaions while Q4 more in-line We expect cons.
Redeye comments on the recent development concerning the Digital Markets Act (DMA).
A rare miss on sales growth in Q2 Monopoly GO! and increased distribution excite H2 outlook for sales unchanged Q2: Maturing portfolio and ...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q2 2023 report.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobiles Q2 2023 report, which came in softer than expected.
Redeye is encouraged to see that Flexion Mobile is partnering with Xiaomi by adding another distribution platform to its ecosystem
Redeye takes a positive view of Meta's entrance into the alternative distribution market as a consequence of the forthcoming EU Digital Mark...
Redeye takes a positive view regarding the entrance of Alta Fox, a respected US-based investment firm, into Flexion Mobile, where it has bou...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its Q1 2023 report.
Framework deal has large potential long-term... ...
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobiles Q1 2023 report. A weaker report than expected.
Several game signings of late, 20-40% sales growth guidance Increase in distribution capacity via Digital Turbine deal Synergies from Audien...
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its strong Q4 2022 report released on March 22.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobiles Q4 2022 report. Strong revenue growth of 108% y/y, despite a challenging environment for mobile games and...
Redeye comments on the fact that Flexion Mobile is partnering with Digital Turbine by adding another distribution platform to its ecosystem.
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following its strong Q3 2022 report released on November 22.
Redeye comments on Flexion's newly announced directed share issue.
Organic sales growth of 111% in Q3 Visibility a bit thin with no top-tier games to launch Adj.
Redeye notes that Flexion’s revenue was above our estimates yet again.
Redeye updates its view on Flexion Mobile following the strong Q2’22 report.
Organic sales growth of 97% y-o-y Sales forecast up, albeit at lower profitability Two new game signings announced in August Q2: Distribu...
Mobilspelsbolagets starka momentum fortsätter i Q2 och nu aviserar bolaget ett nytt affärsområde vilket kan innebära betydande intäkter fram...
Redeye noted that Flexion’s revenue was above expectations, while its gross profit was in line.
Guides for ‘22 sales growth of 90-110% Positive estimate revisions on the news New fair value range of SEK 25-43 (23-40) Q2e: We expect sale...
Redeye has updated its estimates following the announced increased guidance from Flexion Mobile last week.
Flexion Mobile inleder året med bravur och växer omsättningen med hela 61 procent drivet av ett flertal lanseringar av top-tier-titlar under...
Impressive start to the year Positive revisions due to core business and M&A Three new promising game signings Q1: Sales growth of 61% y-o-...
Flexion reported revenues above Redeye’s expectations.
Redeye comments on Flexions transformative acquisition of Audiencly, a leading influencer marketing agency, focused on the gaming industry.
Flexion Mobile ökar omsättningen och lönsamheten under året.
Redeye comments on Flexion Mobile’s Q4 report. Revenue of GBP 10.
Analysguiden inleder bevakning av Flexion Mobile och ser stor potential i aktien.
Exciting deal with Scopely on improved terms 5 top tier titles have now been signed during 2021… …and it will benefit Flexion in both 2022 a...
Q2 performance bodes well for FY guidance Revisions to reflect a change to calendar year Exciting additions to the board of directors Flexio...
Redeye comments on Flexion Q2-report. Flexion reported revenue of GDP 7.