Redeye revised its update on Enea after uncovering errors in its financial model.
Redeye states that Enea showed solid sales growth while EBITDA margin were slightly below expectations.
Redeye comments on Enea’s Q4 2024 report, where sales met Redeye Research estimates (RRe) in Enea’s focus areas on a local currency basis.
Redeye makes minor revisions to estimates ahead of Enea’s Q4 2024 report due on 30 January 2025.
Enea’s report aligned with Redeye’s estimates (RRe) on a constant currency basis.
Redeye comments on ENEA's Q4 2024 report, which, on a like-for-like basis, aligned with estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q3 2024 report (due 2024-10-25).
Redeye states that the Q2 report once again confirmed that Enea is back.
Redeye states that Enea showed in Q2 that organic growth is here to stay, delivering +14% y/y growth.
Redeye updates its estimates ahead of the Q2 report following today’s announced 5G order.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q2 2024 report (due 2024-07-18).
Redeye states that Q1 beat estimates across the board.
Redeye states the report beat its estimates on net sales and profitability.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q1 2024 report (due 2024-04-25).
Redeye was impressed by yet another solid quarter from new-old CEO, Anders Lidbeck, who once again beat estimates on mainly profitabity.
Redeye states that sales were higher than estimated and that strong profitability led to adjusted EBITDA well above estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q4 2023 report (due 1 February 2024) with lower sales estimates for the Network Solutions segment, as E...
Redeye states the Q3 report is a good data point that the profitability "turn-around" story is underway, with OPEX well under our estimates.
Redeye states that the Q3 report beat its estimates on all fronts.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q3 report (due 26 October) with lower sales and margin compared to previous estimates.
Redeye states that the Q2 report was decent - far from the catastrophe that the recent share-price development reflected.
Redeye states that adjusted EBITDA came in above Redeye's estimates but that sales was just below estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation range following yesterday's announcement of Enea's strategic review and cost savings program.
Redeye welcomes Enea’s announced cost savings program.
Redeye thinks the Q1 report was weak, but in line with Redeye's expectations.
Redeye states that the Q1 report came in slightly above its estimates.
Redeye thinks the likely termination of the EUR24m 5G contract, with almost half of the delivery left, further damages the confidence toward...
Redeye thinks today’s deal means that both contracts with Enea's two major OS clients (Ericsson and Nokia) have now been re-negotiated.
Redeye states that the Q4 report was good, leading to a well-deserved relief to the share price.
Redeye states that sales was higher than estimated and that strong profitability led to EBIT above estimates.
Redeye states that the announced extension agreement in Operating Systems indicates a slower decline than previously estimated.
Redeye thinks that the Q3 report was in line with its estimates but that more is needed to turn the negative sentiment around.
Redeye states Enea’s Q3 report was somewhat better than expected on top line and that profitability rebounded from recent quarters more than...
Redeye raises its estimates following today’s 5G deal for Enea.
Redeye updates its estimates for the Q3 report with lower sales and margin compared to previous estimates.
Redeye is uplifted by Enea's new large order for mobile-messaging security.
Redeye thinks the Q2 report was weak and indicated a hesitant market climate.
Redeye states that both sales and profitability were lower than estimated.
Redeye updates its estimates for Q2. Sales estimates are raised mainly due to FX tailwind and the inclusion of the last months from the cons...
Redeye thinks investors’ patience has run out after Enea posted its third consecutive quarter with negative organic growth for its “growth l...
Redeye states that sales were lower than estimated and that weak profitability led to adjusted EBIT below estimates.
Redeye is positive about Enea's divestment of its consulting business.
Redeye is positive to Enea's selling of its consulting business, and further thinks that the price is fair.
Redeye states that the acquisition of AdaptiveMobile strengthens Enea's position in cybersecurity.
Redeye argues that Enea delivered strong Q2 numbers, especially on EBIT which was considerably above our expectations.
Redeye is positive to last night's acquisition which strengthens Enea’s position in cybersecurity, especially in 5G.