On 21 February, hackers stole about USD1.5bn in crypto assets from Bybit, a Dubai-based crypto exchange, marking the biggest-ever crypto the...
Strong beat on capital markets, underlying cost better AUM miss and crypto prices down since last report, ests.
Redeye states CoinShares Q4 2024 report exceeded Redeye Research estimates (RRe) across all segments, propelled by soaring cryptocurrency pr...
Redeye states that CoinShares’ Q4 2024 report was strong, with beats across all segments.
CoinShares reported its best quarter ever on AUM Beat on Capital Markets, miss on Asset Management Underlying better than reported, limited ...
Redeye provides a preview of CoinShares and updates its estimates ahead of the Q4 2024 report expected on 18 February 2025.
Crypto prices are on a strong run We raise our '25e-'26e AUM and adj.
FX/Other hampered the results, underlying in line Crypto rallying, we raise adj.
Redeye raised its asset management assumptions following the strong report with CoinShares Physical surprising on the upside.
Q3 adj. EBIT of GBP 15m, below ABGSCe at GBP 19m Beat on Asset Management, miss on Capital Markets Underlying better than reported, ests.
Redeye states that the CoinShares Q3 2024 report was solid, with asset management fees above RRe, while CSCM underperformed expectations.
Redeye provides a preview on CoinShares, which is set to report on 5 November 2024.
CEO Jean Marie Mognetti participated in ABGSC Fireside Chat Focus on strategy, positioning and opportunities Trading at '24e EV/EBIT of 2.
CoinShares International (CS) redovisade en stark justerad EBITDA under Q2 24 på 26,6 miljoner pund (jämfört med 11,4 miljoner pund under Q2...
CoinShares International (CS) posted a strong adjusted EBITDA in Q224 of £26.
Earnings miss driven by one-offs, AUM below ABGSCe Adjusting for the Flowbank impairment and the FTX claim sale, CoinShares' underlying adj.
Redeye states that CoinShares' (CS) report was solid with beats across the board except for the end of quarter AUM.
Q2 adj. EBIT of GBP 26m, below ABGSCe at GBP 35m Slight AUM miss driven by CS Physical Q2 worse than expected, stock down low single digits ...
Redeye states that CoinShares’ (CS) report was solid and came in better than expected on most metrics, although end-of-quarter AUM was lower...
- FTX claim sold and FlowBank investment impaired - We increase adj.
Redeye initiates coverage on CoinShares (CS), a leading crypto asset manager holding a European market share of some 40% and set to leverage...
CoinShares International (CS) är en pionjär och en väletablerad aktör i den framväxande och snabbväxande branschen för digitala tillgångar.
CoinShares International (CS) is a pioneer and a well-established player in the nascent, high-growth digital asset industry.
Record start to '24, driven by Capital Markets and PI We increase adj.
Q1 adj. EBIT of GBP 34m, above ABGSCe at GBP 20m Record high AUM, Valkyrie integrated Strong Q1, stock up ~10% today Q1 adj.
CoinShares International (CS) avslutade sitt senaste räkenskapsår med justerad EBITDA för Q423 på 25,7 miljoner pund, vilket ökade vinsten f...
CoinShares International (CS) concluded its latest financial year with Q423 adjusted EBITDA of £25.
CoinShares International (CS) fortsätter sin stabila utveckling under 2023 och redovisade en justerad EBITDA på 9,9 miljoner pund under kvar...
CoinShares International (CS) maintains its stable development in 2023, posting an adjusted EBITDA of £9.
CoinShares International (CS) levererade ytterligare en solid uppsättning kvartalsresultat, med EBITDA på 12,8 miljoner GBP under andra kvar...
CoinShares International (CS) delivered another solid set of quarterly results, with Q223 EBITDA of £12.
CoinShares International (CS) har gått vidare från oron på marknaderna för digitala tillgångar under 2022 och har levererat Q123 EBITDA på 8...
CoinShares International (CS) has moved on from the turmoil in digital asset markets in 2022 and has delivered Q123 EBITDA of £8.
CoinShares International (CS) rapporterade en måttlig EBITDA-förlust på 6,5 miljoner GBP för FY22 (jämfört med en vinst på 121,1 miljoner GB...
CoinShares International (CS) reported a moderate £6.