Redeye returns with more flesh on the bone regarding the Q4 report.
Redeye notes yet another strong quarter with a doubling of US CERAMENT G sales, a solid EBIT and a strong cash flow.
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q4 2024 results, due February 25.
Redeye provides its comment on the news of the severe adverse event that occurred in the use of off-label CERAMENT BVF in the US.
Redeye increases its fair value range following a closer look at the report.
Redeye sees another quarter in which BONESUPPORT delivers well on sales (beating our US CERAMENT G sales figures), and we expect the market ...
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q3 2024 results, due October 24.
Redeye embraces the positive results from the SOLARIO trial, and we argue that the company has ticked one more box for leading a paradigm sh...
Redeye provides some thoughts on and background to the SOLARIO study, which will be presented next week on September 26.
Redeye sees that BONESUPPORT is well-equipped to surpass its new 50% 2024e sales growth target, and we positively reconsider our US CERAMENT...
Redeye sees that the sales beat and updated sales growth target for 2024e will excite the market.
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q2 2024e results, due 11 July.
See what other investors are asking and the answers from Redeye's dedicated analyst in the latest Analyst Q&A.
Redeye is encouraged to see a slightly higher-than-expected sales development for US CERAMENT G and a strong EBIT margin, cementing the thes...
Redeye notes that Q1 sales were in line with our estimate, and the EBIT was 29% above our forecast.
Redeye revisits its market share assumptions for BONESUPPORT’s extremities business.
Redeye embraces the FDA clearance for the trauma indication using CERAMENT G in the US.
Redeye is encouraged to see the interbody spinal fusion clearance coming several months ahead of our estimated timeline.
Redeye argues that the EBIT miss does not bring any concern to the longer-term profitability (or cash flow) outlook for BONESUPPORT and that...
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q4 2023e results, due February 15.
Redeye embraces BONESUPPORT’s indication-broadening to spinal fusion communicated on the CMD.
Redeye has reviewed its Company Quality Rating, which results in a somewhat lowered WACC, rendering some positive changes to our fair value ...
Redeye returns with more flesh on the bones and presents its estimate changes on the back of the Q3 report.
Redeye provides its initial comment on BONESUPPORT’s Q3 report.
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q3 2023e results, due October 26.
Redeye raises its base case for BONESUPORT following the Q2 2023 report, where our US CERAMENT G sales estimates were once again beaten.
Redeye is encouraged to see yet another quarter in which BONESUPPORT positively surprises us.
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q2 2023e results, due July 13.
Bonesupports första kvartal kom in över våra förväntningar och tillväxtutsikterna ser starka ut.
Redeye reiterates its fair value range following a deeper dive into the Q1 report.
Redeye provides an initial take on BONESUPPORT’s Q1 results and we note another estimate beat on sales, resulting in a break-even operating ...
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q1 2023e results, due April 27.
Stark lansering i USA och aktien handlas välförtjänt på all-time-high.
Redeye adjusts its bull and bear case due to a modelling error on terminal EBIT and terminal growth after the recent year-change.
Redeye returns with a more in-depth take on BONESUPPORT’s Q4 report, rendering some changes to our financial estimates.
Redeye provides an initial take on BONESUPPORT’s Q4 results, and we are encouraged by the company beating our sales estimates.
Redeye shares its preview of BONESUPPORT’s Q4 2022e results and anticipates another record quarter.
Analysguiden noterar ett starkt tredje kvartal och en USA-lansering som är i full gång.
Redeye reiterates its SEK 132 base case for BONESUPPORT following the Q3 report.
Redeye embraces BONESUPPORT’s quarterly report, which again comes in with actual figures better than our estimates.
Redeye raises its fair value range following a review of BONESUPPORT’s long-term potential.
Kommande lansering av Cerament G i USA öppnar en stor potentiell marknad.
Redeye briefly presents its key takeaways from BONESUPPORT’s capital markets day and reflects on the company’s updated financial targets for...
Redeye embraces yet another record quarter from BONESUPPORT, continuing to support our thesis and financial projections for the coming years...
Bonesupport har fått sitt efterlängtade FDA-godkännande, vilket öppnar för flera kommersiella möjligheter.
Redeye returns following the conference call and chat with management with more flesh on the bones regarding the next steps after the announ...
Redeye embraces the news that the FDA has finally granted BONESUPPORT approval for its product CERAMENT G for bone infection in the US.
Bonesupport uppvisade återigen stark tillväxt på den amerikanska marknaden.
Redeye is encouraged by yet another record quarter by BONESUPPORT, but we have made some considerable reconsiderations to our initial take o...
Redeye returns with a more in-depth take on the Q1 report and discusses some of the key take-aways and nuggets from the report and the confe...
Redeye embraces BONESUPPORT’s Q1 report, showing a remarkable growth of 48% y/y, primarily driven by the North American segment's aggressive...
Redeye does not consider the delay to entail any particular negative impact on the eventual US launch of CERAMENT G.
Redeye notes another record quarter for BONESUPPORT and is encouraged by the persistent sales growth during a most peculiar year for electiv...
Redeye returns with a more in-depth take on BONESUPPORT’s Q4-report following the conference call and management discussion.
Redeye provides its initial take on BONESUPPORT’s Q4 report and expects a positive reaction of c.
Redeye provides a preview of its Q4'21 estimates for BONESUPPORT ahead of its report next week.
Bonesupport redovisade en försäljning om 54,9 miljoner kronor för tredje kvartalet vilket ger en tillväxt om 26 procent i lokala valutor.
Bonesupports börsvärde halverades när bolaget presenterade resultatet från den svårtolkade Fortify-studien.
Redeye returns with a more in-depth view of the case changes following the inconclusive study results from the FORTIFY trial.
Redeye returns with a more in-depth take on the inconclusive study results and provides an initial take on how this could impact the case go...
Redeye expects an aggressive negative reaction of the stock in the magnitude of -30% following the inconclusive results from the FORTIFY stu...
Rekordtillväxt för försäljningen under årets andra kvartal men samtidigt ökade rörelseförlusten.
Redeye continues to have a positive outlook on the fundamental prospects of BONESUPPORT following today’s report.