Redeye is encouraged by the healthy rebound in demand witnessed in Ependion’s Q4 report.
Redeye is happy to see surprisingly upbeat numbers from Ependion.
Redeye remains confident on the case despite some near-term uncertainty as the market climate continues to be muted.
Redeye is a bit surprised by the major drop in Ependion’s Q3 top-line numbers.
Redeye updates its estimates for Ependion following the Q2 2024 report, which showed stronger sales but lower profitability.
Redeye updates its estimates of Ependion and discusses both the most recent report and Beijer Electronics’ strategic review in depth.
Osäkerheten består i det korta, men de strukturella drivkrafterna består Även om affären fortsatte påverkas av den osäkra konjunkturen och d...
Redeye comments on Ependion's Q1 2024 report, which came in very close to our estimates, on both sales and EBIT.
Redeye updates its estimates after Ependion’s Q4 2023 report, which was slightly weaker than our estimates on the sales side, which then car...
Svagare marknad ger avtryck i orderingången… Även om kundaktiviteten är fortsatt intensiv och den underliggande efterfrågan god ledde osäker...
Redeye comments on Ependion's Q4 2023 report, which came in slightly below on the sales level and, as a consequence, lower on the EBIT level...
Redeye updates its estimates after Ependion’s Q3 2023 report, which came in close to our forecasts, not least on the sales side.
Redeye gives a short comment on Ependion’s Q3 2023 report, which came in close to our forecasts, not least on the sales side.
Equity analyst Markus Almerud makes a deep dive in electricity infrastructure, which is one of the main growth areas for Ependion.
Redeye comments on Ependion’s energy contract, confirming our positive stance on the segment, not least due to the contract’s size.
Redeye updates its estimates and fair value range after Ependion’s Q2 2023 report, which came in close to our forecasts.
Orderingången nådde nytt rekord.. Drivet av Westermo och delvis beroende på en engångsorder på 100 mkr nådde orderingången nytt rekord i Q2...
Redeye gives a short comment on Ependion's Q2 2023, which came in exactly in line on EBIT, and closely in line on sales.
Redeye updates its estimates following Beijer Group’s Q1 2023 report, which was stronger than anticipated.
Orderingången över 600 mkr för femte kvartalet i rad Kvartalet präglades av en hög nivå av marknadsaktivitet.
Beijer Group reported a strong Q1 2023, which saw sales jump above the SEK600m mark.
Redeye comments on Beijer Group's acquisition of Smart HMI GmbH, a small German company specializing in web technology-based visualization s...
Redeye updates its estimates following Beijer Group’s Q4 2022 report.
Efterfrågan är gynnsam på samtliga marknader utom Kina Den organiska tillväxten i orderingången var negativ (minus 4-6%) för första gången s...
Beijer Group reported an order intake of about SEK603m and sales of close to SEK589m, translating into a growth rate of 26% y/y.
Högre och tydligare mål Inför kapitalmarknadsdagen 7 december har Beijer Group satt nya koncernmål.
Redeye gives a short comment on today’s news of financial targets for the group.
Beijer Group continued its impressive run with yet another all-time high in Q3'22, beating Redeye’s net sales and EBIT estimates.
Fortsatt stark och bred efterfrågan Med 16% organisk tillväxt var orderingången över 600 mkr för tredje kvartalet i rad och en ny nivå verka...
Redeye comments on Beijer Group’s Q3 report, which continued to show strength.
Redeye looks favorably on Beijer Group’s press release about a new financing agreement, giving the company the financial muscles to pursue a...
Redeye updates its estimates following Beijer Group’s Q2 2022 report, which beat our sales and EBIT estimates.
Orderingången accelererade och den nådde en ny nivå - igen.
Redeye comments on Beijer Group's Q2 2022, which showed all-time highs in order intake, sales, and EBIT for a single quarter.
Redeye updates its estimates for Beijer Group following a review of its Q1 2022.
Orderingång accelererade till en ny nivå - igen... Med bred, fortsatt återhämtning i efterfrågan växte orderingången med ca 50% organiskt oc...
Redeye comments on Beijer Group's Q1 report, which showed a strong order intake and solid growth y/y.
Orderingång är exceptionellt stark... Efterfrågan för Beijer Groups produkter fortsätter vara exceptionellt stark.
Orderingång på över 500 mkr andra kvartalet i rad..
Upplagd för smash även om komponenterna ger kortsiktig osäkerhet Beijer går in i hösten med sin högsta orderbok någonsin samtidigt som kompo...
Redeye comments on the recent news of a new multi-million-euro contract.
Beijer Group posted a record order intake in Q2’21 of more than half a billion SEK.
Högsta orderingången någonsin... Med bred återhämtning i efterfrågan växte orderingången med mer än 50% och kom in på den högsta nivån någon...
Beijer Group's sales came in slightly below our estimates, while the order intake was exceptionally strong, up 60% y/y currency adjusted.