Cibus: EUR 80m and SEK 700m bonds issued to prolong bond maturities significantly - Nordea

Cibus announced yesterday evening it has issued a 4-year EUR bond of EUR 80m at Euribor 3m plus 400bps and a SEK 700m SEK 3.5 year bond at Stibor 3m plus 350 bps in order to replace shorter bonds (with credit margins of 400-700 bps) where a tender offer was launched on 18 March. This will prolong maturities for bonds from 1.4 years to 3.8 years and reduce the average interest rate margin of the bonds by ~2.3 pp. At the end of 2023, Cibus had 14% of its debt financing in bonds and 84% in secured bank loans (and a EUR 30m hybrid bond). The average margin on the secured bank loans was 1.7% at the end of 2023 with an average maturity of 1.9 years. The refinancing with new bond issues provide additional flexibility to the financing structure and should be considered positive news for Cibus, in our view.
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