Fullt fokus på Access Då biometriska betalkort inte tog fart som väntat under 2023, samtidigt som momentum för biometriska accesskort accele...
Equity analyst Markus Almerud interviews Zwipe's CEO Robert Puskaric after the announcement that the company will focus only on biometric ac...
Equity analyst Markus Almerud discusses Zwipe after the announcement of the rights issue.
Redeye believes Zwipe had no choice but to bring in capital through another rights issue.
Hög sannolikhet för att de runt femtio pågående dialogerna driver momentum när vi går in i 2024… Penetrationen av biometriska betalkort fort...
Redeye thinks the Q3 report from Zwipe was soft with almost no revenues and a negative cash flow higher than our estimates.
Access pipeline fortsätter accelerera… Zwipe har 10 pågående så kallade Proof of Concept (PoC), eller koncepttest, och har ytterligare ett t...
Redeye argues that the Q2 report from Zwipe was weaker than we expected both in terms of sales and cash burn.
Redeye thinks the Q2 report from Zwipe was significantly weaker than our estimates with zero revenues and an elevated cash burn.
Biometriska accesskort ger stor potential till relativt sett låg risk… Med höga säkerhetskrav, en konkurrensmässig teknologi och företag som...
Redeye view yesterdays announcement of a cost cutting program as a sign that the market is developing slower than expected.
Redeye argues that the Q1 operational update from Zwipe was weaker than we expected.
Redeye thinks that the Q1 operational update from Zwipe was softer than our expectations.
Redeye comments on the outcome of Zwipe’s rights issue, which was subscribed to just below 69%.
Today marks the last day when Zwipe is trading to receive subscription rights.
Redeye is encouraged by the news that Zwipe starts the first proof-of-concept together with Civix for its access card solution for Richmond ...
Redeye argues that the H2 report from Zwipe was largely in line with our expectations.
Redeye argues that the second half-year report from Zwipe was largely in line with our expectations.
Redeye is positive about the news that Zwipe will bring in capital through a fully guaranteed Rights Issue.
Redeye argues that the third-quarter operational update from Zwipe was in line with our expectations.
Q3 var ett händelserikt kvartal. Zwipe har erhållit certifiering av Mastercard, presenterat en ny storkund och tar tydliga steg mot kommersi...
Redeye expects to leave its estimates largely unchanged - the Q3 2022 financials were in line with our expectations, and we expect the marke...
Q2 innebar ett utökat partnernätverk och en försäljning som inte nådde upp till våra estimat.
One of the important hurdles for the ramp-up of Zwipe Pay has been certification by Visa and Mastercard.
Redeye argues that the half-year report from Zwipe was softer than our expectations.
Redeye comments on the CEO change that has led to a lot of turbulence in the stock price in recent days.
Redeye gives a short comment on yesterday’s announcement of the CEO change in Zwipe.
Redeye believes that the certification by Visa for Zwipe and some of its partners are a catalyst for commercial orders in the second half of...
Zwipe har ingått viktiga samarbetsavtal och erhållit ett Letter of Approval av korttillverkaren Visa.
Redeye argues that the operation update from Zwipe was largely in line with our expectations and that the company continues to show solid pr...
Redeye argues that the take-off for biometric payment cards will come slightly later than our earlier expectations.
Zwipe summerar ett händelserikt år och går in i 2022 med ett flertal skarpa kommersiella ordrar i ryggen.
Redeye argues that the second-half-year report from Zwipe was in line with our expectations and that the company continues to show solid pro...
Zwipe levererar ett händelserikt kvartal med ett nytt spännande affärsområde och flertalet nya partnerskap.
Zwipe fortsätter framåt i högt tempo där flertalet nya partnerskap ingåtts under kvartalet och ytterligare en kommersiell order har erhållit...
Andra kvartalet var händelserikt för Zwipe, med ett antal större partnerskap, piloter och en första kommersiell order.
Zwipe has mentioned that pilots are about to happen and today we got the news we have been waiting for.
Redeye argues that the Q2 report from Zwipe was in line with our expectations and that the company continues to show strong commercial progr...
We have previously thought that the Tier-1 card manufacturers would primarily go with their own solutions for biometric cards and that Zwipe...
Redeye reiterates the base case valuation of Zwipe at SEK 27 after their announcements of numerous new partnerships which confirms our posit...