Redeye saw lower sales than expected, although there was growth but not as much as we expected.
Redeye’s initial comments on the Q4 report from Waystream.
Redeye was negatively surprised by the lower-than-expected sales in the quarter.
Redeye saw a Q3 report that was weaker than expected.
Redeyes view on the announced sizable order from a German operator.
Redeye was positively surprised by the sales that were better than expected in the quarter.
Redeye’s initial comments on the Q2 report from Waystream.
Redeye saw a mixed picture in the first quarter. Sales performance was better than expected, even if the product/client mix greatly affected...
Redeye’s initial comments on the Q1 report from Waystream.
Redeye is favorable to the communicated new order by Waystream just after the market closed on Thursday.
Q4 var ett utmanande kvartal men Analysguiden noterar en positiv utveckling i Centraleuropa och Tyskland.
Utmanande år för Waystream 2023 blev ett utmanande år för Waystream.
Redeye saw a sales performance that was very weak and thus did not meet our expectations.
Redeye saw a Q4 report that was again weaker than expected.
Redeye is impressed by the speed at which Telenor/DNA placed their first order.
Redeye is impressed by Waystream’s progress among the larger Nordic telecom operators.
Waystream upplever en fortsatt avvaktande stadsnätsmarknad.
Avvaktande marknad med höga lagernivåer i hela värdekedjan Waystream rapporterade fortsatt svagt relativt samma period föregående år.
Redeye saw a sales performance that again was weak and thus did not meet our expectations, although an improvement from the previous quarter...
Redeye sees a Q3 report that was weaker than expected, where we have underestimated the effect of a standoffish city networks market in the ...
Redeye is positive to the news that Waystream continues to receive orders from City networks.
Redeye views favorably on the news that Waystream continues to receive orders from their primary target market in Sweden.
Redeye’s short comment on the second order under the Telia framework agreement.
Redeye positively views the news that Waystream has added the reseller K-Businesscom for the DACH markets.
Redeye views favorably the news that Waystream has added Transtema as a partner in the Swedish market.
Waystream redovisade minskad omsättning och resultat under Q2.
Svag utrullning av stadsnätskunder i Norden utanför Sverige i Q2’23 Waystream rapporterade ett svagt Q2’23 relativt föregående år.
Redeye sees a Q2 report that was surprisingly weak, with a negative sales development in the quarter, the dependency on the development of t...
Redeye’s short comment on the first order under the Telia framework agreement.
Redeye comments on the recent news that TDC Net is to drop Huawei from DWDM networks by 2027 under the Danish cybersecurity centre directive...
Tillväxtresan fortsätter in i 2023 men lönsamheten pressas under Q1.
Bra tillväxt i Q1’23 med en svagare marginal y/y Waystream rapporterade en nettoomsättning på 30,4 mkr (25,3 mkr) vilket innebar en tillväxt...
Redeye saw a sales performance in the quarter that did not meet our high expectations but still showed a healthy organic growth of 20%.
Redeye sees a Q1 report that did not meet our high expectations.
Lönsamt tillväxtbolag med internationell expansion i korten Waystream är ett lönsamt tillväxtbolag inom bredbandsinfrastruktur, som står inf...
Waystream avslutar året exemplariskt och växer rörelseresultat i Q4 med hela 97 procent.
Redeye is impressed by the strong tailwind that Waystream has at the moment.
Redeye sees another powerful Q4 report. The sales were considerably higher than expected, with an operating result exceeding the expected.
Redeye has revisited our case after the announced Telia framework agreement.
Redeye is positively surprised that Waystream landed a 3-year framework agreement with Telia, where the whole product portfolio is included.
Waystream rapporterade kraftig omsättningstillväxt drivet av stark efterfrågan.
Redeye makes changes to both the short- and long-term estimates on the back of a very strong quarter.
Redeye is positively surprised by the powerful Q3 report.
Analysguiden inleder bevakning av teknikbolaget Waystream med riktkurs 43 kr.
Redeye is positive about new order from a German communications operator to expand their FTTH network.
Redeye continues to have a positive outlook on Waystream even after a slightly weaker report than we expected.
Redeye views this morning’s news about the deal with Pingday through Waystreams partner NetNordic as a vote of confidence in the Waystream p...
Redeye retains a positive view of Waystream after the Q1'22 report.
Redeye comments on this morning’s Q1 report from Waystream.
Redeye is impressed by the underlying performance in Waystream.
Waystream reported their Q4 numbers earlier this morning.
Waystream reported solid numbers in the Q2 report earlier this morning.