Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q4 2024 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q4 2024 report, which featured sales that clearly exceeded our expectations, while EBITA came in...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q3 2024 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q3 2024 report, which came in slightly below our estimates.
Redeye comments on Vitec carrying out a directed share issue of cSEK1.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q2 2024 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q2 2024 report, which mostly exceeded our estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q1 2024 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q1 2024 report, which came in slightly below our estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec’s Q4 2023 report, featuring solid top-line growth but softer-than-expected margin...
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q4 2023 report, which came in slightly below our estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q3 2023 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q3 2023 report, which came in roughly in line with our estimates.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q2 2023 report, which came in broadly above our estimates.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q1 2023 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q1 2023 report, which came in broadly above our estimates.
Redeye comments on Vitec acquiring the Dutch VMS company Enova, which offers energy-management software and grid-management services.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Vitec releasing its Q4 2022 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Vitec’s Q4 2022 report, which came in broadly above our estimates in terms of sales growth and roughly i...
Redeye updates its estimates following Vitec’s directed share issue on 09 November 2022.
Redeye is surprised by Vitec announcing a directed share issue.
Redeye initiates coverage of Vitec Software Group, a software company and serial acquirer in the fragmented European VMS market, which we ju...
8% organic growth (cons 8%) and in line sales… …while higher costs caused ~20% adj.
Organic growth remains in healthy high-single digits Salaries and travel costs reduce adj.
Solid underlying momentum likely to continue in Q2 and largest acquisition ever completed in July Adj.
Q2 recurring sales of SEK 325m, +22% y-o-y (9% organic) Vitec reported net sales for Q2’21 of SEK 396m, +3.