Creditas, som utgör cirka 40% av VEFs investeringsportfölj, presenterade ännu en stark rapport för det fjärde kvartalet där intäkterna nådde...
De underliggande portföljbolagen fortsätter att utvecklas väl och väntas växa omsättning respektive bruttovinst med 35% respektive 40% för d...
Creditas, som utgör cirka 50% av VEFs investeringsportfölj, kom med en urstark Q3-rapport.
Underliggande portföljbolagen utvecklas väl under kvartalet drivet av fortsatt lönsam tillväxt.
Creditas, som utgör nästan 50% av VEFs investeringsportfölj, kom med en mycket stark Q2-rapport med kraftigt tillväxt i bruttoresultatet , b...
Underliggande portföljbolagen utvecklas väl även om valutafluktuationer påverkade substansvärdet negativt i kvartalet.
VEF är investmentbolaget som ger en unik möjlighet till att få exponering mot snabbväxande Fintech-bolag på tillväxtmarknader till en krafti...
VEF's share price is down 12% in SEK YTD despite: 1) a 25% recovery in its NAV YTD (in USD), which lags green shoots from its portfolio peer...
VEF has taken a conservative stance on its NAV while adjusting its holdings growth strategies through 2022–2023, with cash available equal t...
VEF took a defensive stance in 2022, focusing on strengthening its balance sheet and reprioritising growth strategies across its portfolio, ...
VEF continues to trade below pre-covid levels at a 40% discount to reported NAV (58% to our estimated NAV).
VEF’s Q2 NAV fell 40% QOQ, which we believe reflects conservatism from VEF, as its largest asset, Creditas, recently received funding from n...
NAVPS down 35% q-o-q, reflecting market conditions Strong cash position for future needs Excessive discount to NAV, and far below historical...
Q2’22 NAVPS (SEK) -35% q-o-q and +4% y-o-y VEF trades at a 49% discount to NAVPS Solid cash position at USD 64.
NAVPS (SEK) flat q-o-q and up 55% y-o-y in Q1’22 Trading at 45% discount to NAVPS Fair value range of SEK 4.
VEF’s NAV declined only ~3% QOQ in Q1 despite turbulent markets.
Q1 NAVPS (SEK) flat q-o-q, driven by two new additions VEF trades at a 45% discount to NAVPS… …and 23% below the low end of our fair value r...
VEF continued the strong 30%+ NAVPS CAGR seen over the past six years, while its share price appears to have decoupled from NAV: it is tradi...
VEF is increasingly getting recognition for its impressive 5-year NAVPS CAGR and rare emerging market VC fintech portfolio, in our view, wit...
An intriguing opportunity to tap into the private fintech market VEF is an investment company founded in 2015 through a spin-off from VNV Gl...
VEF’s 30%+ NAV CAGR track record and improved ESG assessment have become increasingly credited by the investment community as its discount t...