F&MT recovers from Q3 challenges Scandpower ends the year in style Decommissioning behind 5% cut to '25e EBIT Q4: Sales +8% y-o-y, adj.
F&MT initiates cost-cutting program Gradual recovery expected Q4 due on 10 February Q4e: Organic sales +1% y-o-y, adj.
- Technical production disruptions in the hot cell - Scandpower showing positive signs - We lower '25e EBIT by 10%, mainly from F&MT Q3: Sal...
Profitability hampered by IAC in Scandpower Adj. EBIT margins to strengthen Negative revisions stem from fraudulent payments Q3e: Organic s...
- Profitability yet to improve - Extrem Borr och Sågteknik added to numbers - Positive revision mainly from M&A: '25e EBIT up 9% Q2: Organic...
- More positive news for Scandpower - Profitability has always been volatile - Minor revisions with '24e EBIT down 1% Q1: Organic sales +11%...
Scandpower excels through licence sales Higher sick leave in Decommissioning Minor revisions with '24e EBIT down 1% Q4: Organic sales -2% y...
3 of 4 divisions showed progress in Q3 Scandpower was the outlier with no licence sales '24e EBIT up 2% Q3: Organic sales -5% y-o-y, EBIT m...
• Decommissioning and Scandpower excel... • ...but are overshadowed by delays within F&MT • '23e-'25e EBIT revised down 11-2% Q2: Organic sa...
Production stop in F&MT affects Q1 Decommissioning a bright spot Report in line with ABGSCe when adjusted for F&MT Q1: Organic sales -3% y-...
Deal with Westinghouse important for Waste Mgmt.First order for SMRs within the F&MT segmentStrong FCF from release of working capitalQ4: Ad...
Q3 sales 6% better than ABGSCe Long-term positive EPS revision of ~5% Sweden the latest country to support nuclear Q3: Strong quarter dri...
Q2 sales growth of 1% y-o-y EBIT down 8-6% for ’22e-‘24e Business with Russia on pause for now Q2: Sales of SEK 203m (201m), EBIT of SEK 8.
Q1 sales growth of 15% y-o-y, albeit lower EBIT Range of estimate adjustments, long-term EBIT -1% Working capital build-up to ease throughou...