Q4-resultatet visar tydliga tecken på förbättrad lönsamhet och kapitaleffektivitet Nettoomsättningen steg med 1,8% till 243 mkr (238) drivet...
Q3-resultatet indikerar stabilitet i verksamheten Nettoomsättningen sjönk med 4,1% till 173,3 mkr (180,7) drivet av en organisk minskning på...
Aktieanalytiker Mathias Carlson intervjuar VD Andreas Säfstrand efter publicerad Q3-rapport.
Väldiversifierad investeringsportfölj med låg operationell risk Stockwik har genom 24 omsorgsfullt utvalda förvärv skapat en portfölj av väl...
We expect a decent Q1 2023 report on 12 May with fairly stable developments in all segments; we forecast group sales of SEK 183m, up 22% (-1...
Today, Stockwik announced changes to its long term financial targets, in which the company now seeks to grow EBITA by 15% on an annual basis...
Stockwik delivered a somewhat soft Q4 with a sales growth of 24% y/y, while EBITA declined 2% y/y, burdened by two subsidiaries facing headw...
We expect Stockwik to present a decent Q4 report on 17 February, and forecast EBITA of SEK 26m still burdened by the loss of a larger custom...
Stockwik delivered a solid Q3 report, with group sales of SEK 181m, up 35% y/y, while EBITA rose only 9%, partly due to Business Services st...
We expect a decent Q3 report on 18 November. We forecast group sales will grow 28% (2 pp organic), up to SEK 173m, but more modest EBITA gro...
Stockwik delivered a weaker-than-expected Q2 report.
We expect a solid Q2 report on 26 August with group sales growing 26% y/y to SEK 182m, driven by M&A.
Stockwik delivered a solid Q1 report, with group sales growing 27% y/y and EBITA increasing 73% y/y; the latter beat our estimate by 21%.
Adj. EBITA 22% above ABGSCe Three acquisitions YTD adding ~SEK 80 to sales… …and the balance sheet allows for additional M&A Adj.
Adj. EBITA SEK 13.5m, 22% above ABGSCe Estimates up ~10% on est.
Stockwik is an M&A compounder, with a focus on acquiring non-cyclical companies with a solid track record of profitability.
Q2 report due on Friday, 27 August Estimates intact, solid outlook driven by recent M&A 13x ‘22e EV/EBITDA, poised for additional acquisitio...