Redeye cuts its forecasts and Base Case following a Q4 with negative ARR growth yet improved EBITDA-CAPEX y/y.
Redeye sees a soft Q4 report from BrightBid. While costs decrease and EBITDA-CAPEX increase, negative ARR growth hurts the overall picture.
Redeye somewhat cuts its forecasts and Base Case following a Q3 with soft ARR growth yet lower OPEX y/y.
Redeye sees a Q3 report from BrightBid on the soft side regarding ARR growth.
Redeye regards BrightBid’s Q2 as a mixed-bag quarter, where the substantial cost cuts are the positive highlight while the soft q/q cARR gro...
Redeye sees a mixed Q2 report from BrightBid, with slow q/q cARR growth as the weak spot and solid cost control as the positive highlight.
Despite lowering our short-term forecasts, Redeye retains its positive stance on Speqta following the Q1 report.
Redeye sees a mixed Q1 report where ARR growth accelerates q/q but comes somewhat short of our expectations.
On Friday, between 10.00-11.00, CEO Gustav Westman and CFO Gustav Norberg presents the company’s quarterly report followed by a Q&A with Red...
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Speqta’s direct share issue despite somewhat lowering its Base Case.
Redeye sees a Q4 report coming in lower than expected on ARR and EBITDA – CAPEX.
Redeye takes a positive view on the CEO change in Speqta.
Redeye retains its positive stance on Speqta following the Q3 report, as BrightBid continued its solid growth trend.
Redeye sees a Q3 report where BrightBid continues to show a high growth rate.
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Speqta and the acquisition of BrightBid.
Redeye sees a strong development in BrightBid, where the solid momentum in CARR growth continues.
Speqtas vd, Fredrik Lindros, har tillsammans med BrightBids vd, Gustav Westman, presenterat förvärvet av BrightBid.
Redeye’s first impression of the acquisition of BrightBid is positive.
Redeye sees a solid Q1 report from Speqta, where the important net customer intake accelerated and beat our forecasts.
Redeye sees a strong Q1 report from Speqta with accelerating net customer intake, strengthening our view of Bidbrain.
Redeye takes a mixed stance towards Speqta’s proposed dividend of SEK45m.
Redeye retains its positive view of Speqta despite slightly lowering its forecast and Base Case.
Redeye retains its positive view on Speqta following a solid Q3 report.
Redeye retains its positive view of Speqta following a solid Q3 report.
Redeye revises its Base, Bear, and Bull Cases for Speqta to fit the current operations, basically Bidbrain.
Redeye sees a report where Bidbrain grows but at a rather slow rate, which was expected given its current phase.
Redeye sees a stable Q1 report from Speqta, with the disclosed numbers regarding Bidbrain being the highlight.
Redeye sees a Q1 report with the increased transparency regarding Bidbrain as the highlight.
Redeye retains its positive view of Speqta, following a revised Investment Case due to Speqta’s divestments and its new focus.
Speqta's CEO Fredrik Lindros and Chairman of the Board Fredrik Burvall hosts a strategic review.
Redeye retains its positive view on Speqta following the Strategic Review.
Redeye retains its positive view on Speqta, currently trading below net cash.
Redeye believes the strategic decision to focus on Bidbrain is the report's highlight, while the report itself and the numbers are of less i...
Speqta’s Q2 results came in a bit lower than Redeye’s estimates, which proved too optimistic given AdTech’s ongoing transformation and the p...
Speqta reported a solid quarter, although somewhat lower than Redeye's estimates.