Redeye updates its estimates following Sozap’s Q2 report.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q2 results, which came in somewhat higher than expected on sales while EBITDA aligned with our forecasts.
Redeye updates its estimates following Sozap’s Q1 report.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q1 results, which revealed sales roughly in line with expectations, while higher UA investments led to lower prof...
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news from Sozap, where the company announced a rights issue of SEK11.
Redeye updates its estimates following Sozap’s Q4 report.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q4 results, which showed higher sales figures than expected, primarily due to higher UA spending in the quarter.
Redeye updates its estimates following Sozap’s Q3 report.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q3 results, which showed lower sales figures than expected, primarily due to lower UA spending in the quarter.
Redeye comments on the recently announced cost-cutting program, which is expected to yield an annual cost reduction of SEK8m.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news, where Sozap shared new information regarding its publishing agreement with Voodoo.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q2 results, which were somewhat better than expected.
Redeye comments on today’s news from Sozap, where the company announced a rights issue which, if fully subscribed, will bring SEK11.
Redeye comments on Sozap's partnership with Voodoo for Questopia; the deal not only reduces the risks associated with a global launch but al...
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q1 results, which came in lower than expected in terms of sales and margins.
Redeye updates its estimates and base case following Sozap’s Q4 report, which showed lower sales and profitability than expected.
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q4 results, which came in lower than expected in terms of sales and profitability.
Redeye updates its estimates and base case following Sozap’s Q3 report, which showed lower sales and costs due to lower user acquisition spe...
Redeye comments on Sozap’s Q3 results, which came in lower than expected in terms of sales, while margins exceeded our expectations due to l...
Redeye initiates coverage of Sozap, a Swedish digital entertainment company developing free-to-play mobile games.