Solwers had already released a profit warning for Q4 2024 and the full year on 1 February.
Solwers’ Q4 sales of EUR 21.7m were fairly in line with our estimate of EUR 22.
Solwers published a profit warning on Saturday 1 February, stating that Q4 2024 EBIT is close to zero compared to EUR 1.
Solwers posted Q3 2024 revenue growth of 21% y/y, entirely driven by acquisitions.
Solwers posted Q3 results that were on the weak side on profitability versus Q3 2023.
Operating currently in Finland and Sweden in the built environment consultancy sector, Solwers plans to expand its focus to new markets.
Solwers posted H1 revenue 3% ahead of our estimate, as organic growth was slightly positive, while we had expected a slight decline.
Solwers posted H1 revenue of EUR 39.9m, 2% above our expectations while profitability was lower due to e.
Ahead of Solwers' Q2 report on 30 August, we update our estimates to reflect two acquisitions conducted in Q3, which on an annual basis incr...
Solwers’ subsidiary WiseGate has today signed an agreement to acquire 100% of Spectra Consult AB shares.
Solwers’ subsidiary Davidsson Tarkela Architects Oy has today signed an agreement to acquire 100% of Siren Architects, Finland’s oldest arch...
We initiate coverage of Solwers, a company that acts as a growth platform for the built environment consultancy sector in the fields of arch...