Redeye provides an update following SenzaGen’s Q4 2024 report.
Redeye provides an initial take following the release of SenzaGen’s Q4 2024 report.
Redeye provides an update following SenzaGen’s Q3 2024 report.
Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s new grant from RIFM, valued at SEK3.
Redeye provides an update following SenzaGen’s Q2 2024 report.
Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s continued collaboration with RIFM.
Redeye comments on SenzaGen’s directed issue, raising SEK37.
Redeye provides an update following SenzaGen’s Q1 report.
Förtroendegivande avslutning på 2023 Senzagen presterade starkt i Q4(23) med en nettoomsättning som steg med 26% Y/Y och under H2(23) var de...
Redeye provides an update in relation to SenzaGen’s H2 2023 report.
Redeye provides an initial take on SenzaGen’s H2 2023 report.
Redeye is positive about SenzaGen’s GARDskin order worth SEK1.
Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s new order from a global biotech industry leader.
Redeye comments on SenzaGen’s Q3 2023 sales update.
EBITDA förbättrades Koncernens nettoomsättning uppgick under perioden januari–juni 2023 till 23,6 mkr (19,9), en ökning med 18 % i jämförels...
Redeye provides an initial take on SenzaGen’s H1 2023 report.
Starkt produkterbjudande SenzaGen erbjuder högpresterande djurfria testmetoder samt innovations- och konsulttjänster baserade på den senaste...
Redeye comments on SenzaGen’s Q1 2023 sales update, where sales during the first quarter amounted to SEK12.
Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s new GARDskin order of SEK1m from a new customer within the chemical industry.
Redeye provides an update in relation to SenzaGen’s H2 2022 report.
Redeye provides an initial take on SenzaGen’s H2 2022 report.
Redeye is positive about SenzaGen’s acquisition of ToxHub, an Italian toxicology services company specializing in toxicological risk assessm...
Redeye provides a short comment on SenzaGen’s acquisition of ToxHub, an Italian toxicology services company specializing in toxicological ri...
Redeye comments on SenzaGen’s Q3 sales update with total sales of SEK9m.
Redeye provides its comments on SenzaGen’s 2022 half-year report.
Redeye embraces the new GARDskin order of approximately SEK 1m.
Redeye embraces the news regarding the OECD validation on GARDskin.
Redeye endorses the news that SenzaGen has received its largest order so far with a value of SEK 4.
Redeye initiates coverage of SenzaGen, a Swedish commercial-stage MedTech company offering high-performance in-vitro technology tests that a...