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Fortsatt stark orderingång men ett på resultatnivå säsongsmässigt svagt kvartal Sensys Gatso levererade en i våra ögon övertygande rapport.
Aktieanalytiker Örjan Rödén presenterar sin syn på Sensys Gatso Group, ett lönsamt tillväxtbolag med en ökande andel återkommande intäkter, ...
Clear signs of scalability in solid report Sensys Gatso reported a solid Q4(23).
Starkt resultat på alla fronter Sensys Gatso levererade en stark rapport på alla fronter.
Redeye believes Sensys Gatso has just entered a very interesting period with increasing momentum in both sales and earnings growth.
Redeye concludes that Q3 showed a very strong 65% y/y growth and with 7% EBIT margin - roughly in line with Redeye's estimates.
Redeye adjusts its estimates following Sensys Gatso's upward revision of its estimated revenues from the Netherlands order.
Stabil Q2’23 med en klar förbättring från Q1’23 Sensys Gatso rapporterade en stabil Q2’23.
Redeye thinks the Q2 report was solid and that Managed Services is continuing its journey with solid growth, good order intake, and with pos...
Redeye concludes that Q2 was stronger than Redeye expected, with higher-than-expected revenues and lower cost base than expected.
Nytt motiverat värde och uppdaterade prognoser Vi har uppdaterat våra prognoser och vårt motiverade värde efter att Sensys Gatso (SGG) har a...
Redeye comments on Sensys Gatso’s 2023 financial guidance.
Redeye comments on the recently announced orders from Sensys Gatso.
Redeye thinks that Sensys Gatso currently displays extraordinarily low sales and an extraordinarily high cost base.
Q1 tyngdes av kostnader för att hantera kommande tillväxt och dåligt väder i US Ökade konsultkostnader för att klara kommande försäljningsti...
Redeye concludes that Q1 came in below its estimates, but where the qualitative TRaaS revenues were in line with expectations.
Redeye states that Sensys Gatso has gained strong momentum during 2022, resulting in a record high order book and a strong sales pipeline as...
Stark Q4 rapport med återhämtning från Q3’22 Sensys Gatso rapporterade en stark Q4.
Redeye concludes that Q4 was stronger than expected, both on revenues and much above on EBIT.
Redeye comments on Sensys Gatso’s recent large orders for its managed-services business.
Redeye states that Q3 was weak in terms of reported revenue and profitability but that there are sound explanations as to why.
Q3’22 åt det svagare hållet Sensys Gatso rapporterade en Q3’22 omsättning på 95,4 mkr, klart lägre än Q3’21 som genererade en omsättning på ...
Redeye concludes that Q3 showed weak financials due to delay in the Saudi order, higher OPEX due to FX effects, and perhaps also because the...
Redeye thinks the large order from Trafikverket confirms Sensys Gatso’s almost impenetrable market position in the Swedish market.
Redeye states that Sensys Gatso has gone through an impressive turnaround over the last few years and is now an actual quality company.
Stark orderingång, högre andel TRaaS-intäkter och fortsatt marginalförbättring Sensys Gatso redovisade en omsättning på 125 (126) mkr och EB...
Redeye concludes that Q2 confirmed Sensys Gatso’s strong streak with good growth in TRaaS and continuously improving profitability.
Redeye raises its estimates following yesterday's news about the large TRaaS order from Australia.
Redeye thinks today's announcement of the Australian TRaaS order is of major importance.
Redeye states that the company’s future, Managed Services, continued its strong momentum in Q1.
Fortsatt förbättring av marginalen Sensys Gatso redovisade en omsättning på 113 mkr (107) och EBITDA 16 (-6) mkr för Q1'22.
Redeye concludes that Q1 was weaker than Redeye estimates.
Redeye states that the Q4 report was strong and that 2022 looks to be a harvesting year for Sensys Gatso.
Fortsatt förbättring av marginalen Sensys Gatso redovisade en omsättning på 507 mkr (455) och EBIT 46 (11) mkr för 2021, vilket var bättre ä...
Redeye concludes that Q4 was stronger than expecteded.
Imponerande marginaler Sensys Gatsos omsättning under Q3 2021 var 130 mkr (132) och EBIT 28 (13) mkr.
Sensys Gatsos omsättning under Q2'21 var 126 mkr (94) och EBIT 4,6 (−0,9).
Redeye views the Q2 report, with record sales and a strong pipeline, as a strong sign of the company progressing according to plan.
Redeye states that the Q2 report was slightly below estimates, but we see the company progressing in the right way.
Redeye argues that yesterday’s positive news of the FIOD investigation is an important trigger.