Interim report Q1 2024/25
Expected date of completion of ongoing process to divest Roblon's US subsidiary postponed to end-july 2025
Constitution of the board of directors
Minutes of the annual general meeting 30 January 2025
Notice convening Annual General Meeting
Correction: Annual Report 2023/24
Annual Report 2023/24
Status of divestment of Roblon's US subsidiary, preliminary financial result for FY 2023/24 and guidance for FY 2024/25
Major shareholder announcement from Nordic Compound Invest A/S
Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen, Chairman of Roblon A/S, is not seeking re-election
Interim report Q3 2023/24
Initiation of process to divest Roblon's US subsidiary
Reporting of related party's transactions in Roblon A/S shares
Interim report Q2 2023/24 - Half year
Roblon announces changes to the Executive Management
Roblon to terminate market maker agreement with Danske Bank
Interim report Q1 2023/24
Minutes of the annual general meeting 25 January 2024
Annual Report 2022/23
Roblon's full-year guidance for 2022/23 and 2023/24
Interim report Q3 2022/23
Roblon completes sale of head office building in Frederikshavn and clarifies full-year guidance for the 2022/23 financial year
Roblon lowers profit guidance for the 2022/23 financial year
Roblon signs letter of intent regarding sale of head office building in Frederikshavn
Interim report Q2 2022/23 - Half year
Roblon downgrades profit guidance for the 2022/23 financial year
Interim report Q1 2022/23
Minutes of the annual general meeting 26 January 2023
Annual Report 2021/22
Preliminary financial results for 2021/22 and outlook for 2022/23
Interim report Q3 2021/22
Interim report - Q2 2021/22 - Half year
Interim report - Q1 2021/22
Minutes of the annual general meeting 27 January 2022
Reporting of related party's transaction in Roblon A/S shares
Reporting of related parties transactions in Roblon A/S shares
Roblon completes acquisition of company
Reporting on leading employees' transactions
Annual Report 2020/21
Roblon strengthens business through acquisition and establishment in Czech Republic and presents 2021/22 earnings guidance and financial tar...
Roblon raises earnings guidance for 2020/21 and specifies revenue guidance
Interim report Q3 2020/21
Interim report -Q2 2020/21 - Half year
Interim report - Q1 2020/21