The Q2 results were largely in line with the profit warning announced on 9 June, which stated “revenue for Q2 is expected to decrease by a d...
Nelly issued a profit warning for Q2 last week. Despite a higher gross margin and lower warehousing costs, operating profit has been decreas...
We hosted an event with Nelly’s CFO yesterday, where we discussed online trends in the fashion retail sector.
Q1 sales were 7% below our estimate (no consensus available), driven by higher return rates as well as Omicron and the war in Ukraine affect...
We expect Q1 sales to decline by 1.0% YOY as solid growth in the core Nordic operations and the easing of pandemic-related headwinds since F...
Nelly reported Q4 sales 1% above our forecast but EBIT SEK2m below.
From an investment standpoint, the Nelly narrative is all about momentum in: 1) the profitability trajectory; 2) top-line momentum; and 3) t...
We reiterate our mid-point DCF-based equity value of SEK 55 per share for Nelly Group.
Nelly Group, the online fashion retailer, reports Q2 sales of SEK 396.