The Board of PMD Device Solutions has filed for bankruptcy following extensive reviews of the company's financial position.
After a soft Q3, PMD Device Solutions (“PMD”) is still aiming for a cash break-even by late 2024 or early 2025 based on a combination of cos...
Q3 sales are down by 12% compared with Q3 2024 and by some 35% compared with the previous quarter at SEK 8.
The new contract with a cardiology clinic includes over 1,300 Medicare patients and the progress strengthens PMDS' expanding footprint in th...
PMDS has announced the outcome of the rights issue, and the gross proceeds will be SEK 22m.
PMD Device Solutions (“PMD”) has consolidated the US acquisition and a combination of cost control and organic growth allows PMD to aim for ...
PMDS is on track to reach positive cash flow by the year-end 2024, and the company will repeat its target of reaching SEK 260m in annual rec...
PMDS has revised the 2026 sales target, which is 160% higher at SEK 260m (SEK 100m) in terms of recurring revenue (ARR).
PMD is expanding in the UK, Germany and the US, and as a result, the company is proposing a rights issue of up to SEK 27.
PMD Device Solutions (“PMD”) continues to perform well during 2024, and it recently delivered a robust Q1 in line with our expectations.
Redeye initiates coverage of PMD Device Solutions, an Ireland-based company listed on the NASDAQ First North Growth Market following a rever...
Rapporten kom in enligt Analysguidens förväntningar.
Q1 präglades av intensivt arbete med kliniska prövningsprogram och i mars uppnådde bolaget rekryteringsmålet för deras fas 2-studie med ense...
Som väntat rapporterade Promore Pharma ingen omsättning under Q3 och resultatet efter skatt uppgick till -6,1 mkr.
Ensereptide riktas nu in mot ärrbildning efter kirurgi Promore Pharma antog i mars 2021 en ny strategi för ensereptide (PXL01) och ropocampt...