In terms of financials, Q2 was largely a repeat of Q1, with one-off replanting and remediation costs from the Q1 disease affecting the resul...
As announced already in February, capacity utilization and turnover in Q1 were weighed down by the plant disease in Härnösand, with a negati...
After several commercial contracts signed in 2023, Agtira ended the year with a strong cash position and only a few passing weaknesses in th...
With the fresh 10-year deal to supply Lidl from a new 10,000 sqm production facility in a FaaS-setup, Agtira is now about to get all the pie...
With a third quarter in line with expectations and a cash injection of SEK 70m following a rights issue, Agtira is making significant stride...
With the upcoming 88% guaranteed SEK 80m rights issue, plus SEK 23m in credit, Agtira is gearing up to accelerate roll-out in 2024.
The Q2 report was pretty much in line with our expectations, apart from a slight miss on sales due to replanting efforts.
With the framework agreement with Swedish real estate company NP3 Fastigheter in place, Agtira has added another key piece which should enab...
In line with its ambitious growth plan, Agtira is now expanding its engagement with grocery producer and distributor Greenfood in a SEK 285m...
Agtira closed its books for 2022 reaching record high sales of 25.