Fokus på sälj Det tredje kvartalet var ett kvartal med stort fokus på sälj och som väntat var den finansiella utvecklingen relativt svag, vi...
Redeye ceases its coverage of Sileon due to the end of the contractual period.
Redeye gives its initial take of Sileon’s second-quarter report for 2022, which came in below our expectations due to lower revenues and hig...
Redeye gives its initial take of Paynova’s first-quarter report for 2022, which was above our growth expectations due to higher revenues fro...
Redeye comments on Paynova’s agreement with Pantbanken Sverige, Sweden’s largest pawnshop.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news from Paynova, where the company announced a fully secured rights issue of SEK 70.
Redeye is encouraged by today’s news where Paynova’s agreement with VISA is taking the next step.
Redeye comments on Paynova’s agreement with OKQ8, Scandinavian’s largest fuel company with over 700 stations in Sweden and 1000 stations in ...
Redeye updates its estimates, rating, and fair value range to reflect the new financial and operational goals, the fourth-quarter report, an...
Redeye gives its initial take of Paynova’s fourth-quarter report of 2021, which was slightly above our growth expectations.
Redeye views the agreement with Visa as a step forward for the company to reach its goal of being active in 15 countries and process over 50...
Redeye sees Paynova taking the proper steps forward with its BNPL solution with Viggoshop and going live with the first pilot customer on th...