Redeye updates its view on Nanologica following the year-end report and recent news flow.
Redeye's immediate take on Nanologica's year-end report is relatively undramatic.
Redeye comments on Nanologica following the annonucement of a SEK8.
Redeye provides a comment on Nanologica following the announcement of another order (marking the fourth consecutive) from a Chinese GLP-1 cu...
Redeye provides an updated view on Nanologica following the company’s Q3 report.
Redeye provides its initial comments on Nanologica's Q3 report, which showed softer-than-expected sales.
Redeye resumes coverage of Nanologica following the announced outcome of its rights issue, which secures approximately SEK76.
Redeye maintains a positive outlook on Nanologica following its Q2 report.
Redeye provides its initial comments on Nanologica following its Q2 report that showed softer sales but EBIT in line with our estimates.
Redeye returns with an updated view on Nanologica following its Q1 report.
Redeye provides its initial take on Nanologica's Q1 report, which came in largely as expected.
Redeye updates its view and outlook on Nanologica following the company’s year-end report and announcement of a fully guaranteed rights issu...
Redeye continue to see an exciting case in Nanologica despite the Q4 report falling short of sales and EBIT estimates, with write-downs impa...
Redeye leaves its comments on Nanologica following today’s news that it has announced a fully guaranteed SEK54.
Redeye maintains a positive outlook on Nanologica following the company's latest positive press release confirming the first order under the...
Redeye endorses today's SEK3.6m order for Nanologica's new non-silica based purification media NLAB Siv™.
Redeye returns with a research update on Nanologica following its Q3 2023 report, which were soft in terms of sales but in line with our EBI...
Redeye see a Q3 2023 report from Nanologica that came in lower than we had projected in terms of sales, however, it aligned nicely with our ...
Today, Nanologica announced that it has successfully fulfilled an order placed last year for the evaluation of full-scale production by an i...
Redeye maintains its estimates with minor changes following Nanologica’s Q2 2023 report, on which we have a rather neutral take.
Redeye has a largely neutral take on Nanologica’s Q2 2023 report in terms of the financials.
Redeye reinitiates coverage of Nanologica with a change of lead analyst, anticipating an eventful period for the company, with good prospect...
Odramatiska siffror Rapporten för det första kvartalet visade på fortsatt låg försäljning som uppgick till 0,4 mkr (0,3), i linje med våra f...
Siffrorna var i nivå med förväntan Som förväntat var nettoomsättningen låg i Q4’22 och den uppgick till 0,7 mkr (0,7).
Odramatiska siffror Bolaget hade låga intäkter under Q2'22 i väntan på att försäljningen inom preparativ (prep) kromatografi tar fart.
Blygsamma intäkter Rapporten för Q1 2022 var odramatisk och som förväntat var intäkterna låga i väntan på en officiell produktionsstart hos ...
Redeye ceases its coverage of Nanologica due to the end of the contractual period.
Under 2021 har Nanologica genomfört stora förändringar och flyttat fram positionerna inom båda affärsområden.
Q4 2021 - ingen kioskvältare Det blev ett svagt avslut på 2021.
The combination with easing COVID restrictions and the access to funds via Flerie Invest AB is a good combination that gives Nanologica an e...
Nanologica redovisade en omsättning om 2,1 miljoner kronor för tredje kvartalet.
Inbromsning i Q3'21 Nettoomsättningen under tredje kvartalet var i nivå med fjolåret, men lägre än föregående kvartal i år.
Nanologica levererade ytterligare ett kvartal med tillväxt.
Odramatisk rapport Utvecklingen under Q2 2021 visade på hög aktivitet inom affärsområdet drug development (DD) som stod för huvuddelen av ne...
Redeyes main takeaway is that Nanologica adds support (pharma companies) in Drug Development and adds prospects in the preparative (Chromato...