Redeye updated its forecast and valuation following the Q4 report, in which results came in largely as expected, with strong growth in annua...
Redeye shares its initial comments on Modelon’s Q4 2024 results, where ARR slightly exceeded expectations, while top-line performance and co...
Redeye provides a brief comment on Modelon’s announcement of a two-year contract worth USD0.
Redeye updated its forecast and valuation following the Q3 report, which showed strong ARR growth (in constant currency) but somewhat softer...
Redeye shares its initial comments on Modelon’s Q3 2024 figures, which were in line with our ARR expectations, though top-line performance c...
Redeye comments on Modelon’s recently announced cost reduction program and organizational changes.
Redeye has made only minor revisions to its forecast following Modelon’s Q2 report, in which the reported figures were in line with our esti...
Redeye comments on Modelon's Q2 2024 report, which was in line with our expectations.
Redeye comments on the final outcome of Modelon’s rights issue, giving the company SEK50.
Redeye has revised its estimates for Modelon following the Q1 2024 report and the announced rights issue, conditional on the approval of the...
Redeye comments on Modelon's proposed rights issue, which will provide the company with a good cushion in its journey towards stable profita...
Redeye comments on Modelon's Q1 2024 report, which came in slightly weaker on both ARR and net revenue.
Redeye comments on Modelon's news that the current CEO, Magnus Gäfvert, is set to step down from his role.
Redeye has revised its estimates for Modelon following the Q4 2023 report, which showed results somewhat lower than our projections.
Redeye comments on Modelon's Q4 2023 report, which showed an ARR growth of 11%.
Modelon’s Q3 2023 report contained no big surprises.
Redeye comments on Modelon's Q3 2023 report, which was in line on the ARR side while slightly lower on sales.
Redeye states that Modelon’s financial performance surpassed our expectations in terms of both sales and profitability.
Redeye states that Modelon’s financial performance was above our projections on sales and profitability.
Modelon remains steadfast in its efforts to enhance the capabilities for cloud scaling in its product development, as per its previously est...
Redeye states that Modelon Q1 2023 report was largely in line with our projections, while ARR showed a small deviation from our reported fig...
Modelon is showing steady progress, with new customer acquisitions, an accelerated development pace, and the signing of a SEK11.
During Q3, Modelon announced the public cloud version of Impact.
Redeye provides a first comment on the back of Modelon's Q3 report.
Redeye initiates coverage of Modelon, a well-positioned B2B technology company founded in 2004.