Redeye comments on Lipigon's change of CEOs.
Lipigons fas 2a-studie med triglyceridsänkaren Lipisense har inkluderat sin första patient, en viktig milstolpe på vägen mot att inkludera a...
Redeye comments on Lipigon’s third quarter report 2024.
Lipigons explorativa fas 2-studie har fått en långsam start.
Redeye comments on Lipigon's Q2 report 2024. The most significant event since our last update was the launch of Marea Therapeutics.
Lipigon has received a milestone payment of USD1m from Leaderna for the approval of a phase I study of Lipisense in China.
Bolaget utökar antalet kliniker i fas 2-studien med läkemedelskandidaten Lipisense efter en smärre försening.
Redeye provides a brief comment on the subscription rate of Lipigon's warrant TO3.
Redeye comments on Lipigon's Q1 report 2024. Since our last update, patient recruitment to the phase II study of Lipisense has begun.
Redeye comments on the collaboration with University of Washington.
Lipigon fick godkännande att inleda fas 2-studie med Lipisense.
Redeye comments on Lipigons fourth quarter report. We discuss Lipigon's phase II study, other projects and the financial situation.
Redeye is neutral about the return of the lipodystrophy project, as it does not affect our base case.
Redey is neutral about the return of the lipodystrophy project, as it does not affect our base case.
Redeye comments on the warrants TO2.
Lipigon väntats under nästa år starta en mindre fas 2-studie på patienter med kraftigt förhöjda triglycerid-nivåer och diabetes.
Redeye comments on Lipigon's Q3 report 2023. The main event since our last comment is the application to start the phase II trial which was ...
Redeye provides a brief comment on the planned start of the phase II trial of Lipisense.
Since our Q1 update, Lipigon signed a deal with Leaderna for Greater China and reported a favourable safety profile and target engagement in...
Redeye comments on the topline result of the phase I trial of Lipisense, which demonstrated a favourable safety profile and proof of mechani...
Lipigon har aviserat ett avtal med Leaderna Therapeutics kring Lipisense.
Redeye comments on Lipigon's licensing agreement with Leaderna for Greater China.
Redeye comments on Lipigon’s first-quarter report. After the end of Q1, all patients in the phase I study of Lipisense have been treated wit...
The total subscription of 83% is in line with Redeye’s expectations.
Lipigon avancerar vidare med god säkerhetsprofil i fas I-studien med Lipisense som nu närmar sig sitt slut.
Redeye is optimistic about Lipigon’s leading candidate Lipisense after demonstrating a good safety profile at up to 144mg in single ascendin...
Redeye comments on the progress of the phase I trial of Lipisense and the 2023 rights issue, which renders a new Base Case.
Lipigon aviserade under förra veckan positiva säkerhetsdata med Lipisense i klinisk fas I.
Redeye comments on the new positive phase I data from the Lipisense trial.
Redeye comments on Lipigon's third quarter report, in particular on the SAD and recently initiated MAD part of the phase I trial with Lipise...
Lipigon aviserade nyligen positiva säkerhetsdata med Lipisense i fas 1-studiens första del (SAD).
Redeye comments on the positive results reported by Lipigon in the first part of the phase I study with Lipisense and updates its Base Case.
Redeye comments on Lipigon’s first-quarter report in 2022.
Redeye provides a comment on the result of the rights issue.
Lipigon har fått godkänt av Läkemedelsverket att starta kliniska studier och under 2022 väntar viktiga avläsningar.
Redeye comments on Lipigon’s announced rights issue and provides a new preliminary valuation.
Redeye is encouraged by yesterday’s news that Lipigon’s phase I trial with Lipisense has been approved by the regulatory authorities.
Redeye comments on Lipigon’s successful identification of new small molecules that activate lipoprotein lipase (LPL).
Lipigon uppnådde nyligen en viktig milstolpe efter att klinisk prövningsansökan med Lipisense inskickades till Läkemedelsverket.
Redeye initiates coverage of Lipigon, a biotech company developing Lipisense, a new first-in-class ANGPTL-4-targeting candidate, based on mo...
Lipigon presenterade nyligen positiva resultat från den andra prekliniska säkerhetsstudien med Lipisense.
Lipigon presenterade nyligen positiva resultat från den första av de tre prekliniska säkerhetsstudierna med Lipisense.