Redeye comments on Lifeclean’s order from a defense authority in a European country.
Redeye saw sales development that was back to lower levels again.
Redeye comments on the Q3 report from Lifeclean. Sales and results deviated from our expectations negatively and followed a more decisive pr...
Redeye comments on the exclusivity partner deal in Qatar.
Redeye comments on the news that the CEO is departing the company.
Redeye saw sales development that was far better than our expectations.
Redeye saw sales that were markedly above and results that were in line with our expectations.
Redeye is pleased that Lifeclean is getting some traction on its efforts in the PFAS area.
Redeye comments on the directed share issue, new cooperation with Presto, and the subsequent initial order.
Redeye comments on the pilot order from Saudi Arabia that was announced this morning.
Redeye saw a sales development that was better than our expectations.
Redeye saw sales that were just above and results that were below our expectations.
Redeye comments on the directed share issue that was announced at the closing of the markets on 15 March.
Redeye saw sales that were above and results that were below our expectations.
Redeye is encouraged by the news this morning that Lifeclean has signed another potentially significant distribution agreement.
Redeye views favorably the news that Lifeclean has entered into a new distribution partnership with Swiss company Arxada.
Redeye is favorable to the news that Lifeclean has decided to improve its short-term financial position through the issue of convertibles an...
Redeye saw a sales development that was substantially lower than our expectations.
Redeye saw sales and results that were below our expectations.
Redeye is favorable to the news that Lifeclean has appointed a new permanent CEO.
Redeye is encouraged that Lifeclean continues to get further validation of the PFAS remediation, this time by an order from Volvo cars throu...
Redeye comments on the recent order after a successful pilot test with a German industrial company for the PFAS solution.
Redeye saw a sales development that was lower than our expectations.
Redeye comments on the new patent application for partial degradation and purification of PFAS in water.
Redeye saw a sales development that was not far off our expectations.
Redeye saw sales that were in line with our expectations.
Redeye is optimistic about the continuing progress in the PFAS field for Lifeclean.
Redeye is encouraged to see that interest in the PFAS challenge increases with more sectors looking into solutions, per today’s announcement...
Redeye saw sales that almost reached our expectations for the quarter.
Redeye is pleased to note that Lifeclean did a direct issue of SEK 27m after costs this morning.
Redeye updates estimates after the PFAS removal opportunity arises.
Redeye positively views the news that Lifeclean has developed an effective method for removing PFAS from fire-fighting foam tanks.
Redeye saw a lower sales development than we expected, while Opex was lower than estimates.
Redeye saw sales substantially lower than our expectations for the quarter.
Redeye comments on Lifeclean’s decision to appoint David Johansson as the new interim CEO.
Redeye saw a lower sales development than we expected, while Opex was in line with our estimates.
Redeye saw sales a bit lower than our expectations for the quarter.
Redeye saw positive sales development and Opex in line with estimates.
Redeye saw sales in line with our expectations for the quarter.
Redeye saw slightly slower development than expected in Q4.
Redeye comments on the latest agreement in Norway.
Redeye comments on the minor directed new issue this morning.
Redeye's initial take sees better total sales than expected; however, the cost levels were higher than expected.
Redeye comments on the CEO change news this morning.