JonDeTechs personalkostnader var 12 procent lägre än Mangolds prognos och övriga kostnader var 4 procent lägre för 2024.
JonDeTechs orderstock har ökat med cirka 3,3 till 5,5 miljoner kronor sedan föregående kvartal vilket Mangold menar på visar ett ökat intres...
Det svenska sensorteknikbolaget JonDeTech Sensors AB (”JonDeTech” eller ”Bolaget”) designar, producerar och säljer sensorteknologi.
Mangold uppdaterar sin syn på sensorteknikbolaget JonDeTech Sensors (JonDeTech) efter det andra kvartalet.
Mangold is updating its view on JonDeTech Sensors (JonDeTech).
Mangold uppdaterar sin syn på sensorteknikbolaget JonDeTech Sensors (JonDeTech).
Redeye in this note comments on today's year-end report, but especially the recent news flow in Jondetech, indicating strong traction in the...
Mangold inleder bevakning av sensorteknikbolaget JonDeTech Sensors ("JonDeTech") med rekommendationen Köp.
Redeye in this note provides a quick comment on Jondetech's changing of CEO that was announced earlier today.
Redeye thinks Jondetech continues taking rather significant steps towards a commercial phase - but also in terms of proffesionalism and soph...
Redeye comments on Jondetech's announcement of a rights issue, a bridge loan, and termination of the ongoing financing agreement with Nordic...
Redeye comments on Jondetech’s Q2 report, in which positive signs for revenue generation and cash flow from JIRS30 were reported.
Redeye thinks Jondetech's financial situation is worse than previously anticipated, leading to Redeye adding additional dilution in its esti...
Redeye comments on the new financing solution that adds SEK23.
Redeye comments on Jondetech’s excersice of warrants, which was subscribed to almost 55% and bringing in SEK13.
Redeye comments on Jondetech’s Q4 report and its current cash position, which Redeye thinks could last into August or September if the curre...
Redeye is positive to the consulting agreement with, and the directed equity issue to Dave Wu, as well as the company’s first design win wit...
Redeye comments on the newly released terms and conditions for the ongoing capital raise, including a new fair value range.
Redeye comments on Jondetech’s announcement of its restructuring program.
Redeye comments on the Q3 report, where the main focus is that JIRS30 is closing in on having a Working Sample ready – which is essential to...
Redeye comments on Jondetech's upcoming rights issue, which will inject well-needed cash that is likely to last until June 2023.
Redeye comments on the Q2 report, in which the company delivered its first revenues for its software and services offering.
Redeye states that last night's capital raise was well needed.
Redeye comments on the Q1 report, which offered few surprises.
Redeye comments on the Q4 report, which offered few surprises.
Redeye thinks Jondetech's expansion to a software-only offering is good.
Redeye has a positive view of Jondetech changing CEO.
Redeye argues that JonDeTech is making several small steps in the right direction.
Redeye notes a positive tone from the Q2 report, with positive customer dialogues and of reaching commercial sensors in Q1’22.