IRLAB Therapeutics has announced top-line results from the Phase IIb REACT-PD study evaluating its second most clinically advanced asset, pi...
Redeye comments on the disappointing news that IRLAB’s drug candidate Pirepemat did not meet its primary endpoint in its phase IIb study tar...
42% decrease of fall rate with pirepemat... ...but no stat.
Redeye is positive to the news that EMA has returned with positive feedback to IRLAB’s phase III plans for Mesdopetam, and we give an initia...
Redeye gives a short comment on today’s news that IRLAB extends its runway following “extended and expanded debt financing”.
Extended Fenja loan (SEK 55m) with new SEK 20m option New shareholder loan (SEK 22.
Redeye returns following IRLAB's Q4 report and recent news in the company.
Pirepemat topline data coming closer IRL757 passes Ph 1 successfully Webcast today at 10:00 CET Events during the quarter During the quarte...
Redeye comments on the news that IRLAB has presented positive top-line data from the phase I study in healthy older adults.
Apathy drug candidate completed Ph 1 in elderly adults Positive PK, safety and tolerability data confirmed 2nd Ph 1 in younger adults to fin...
IRLAB’s Q324 results highlighted progress across its clinical pipeline.
Redeye returns following IRLAB's Q3 report and recent news in the company.
Pirepemat Ph 2b rolling towards topline IRL757 Ph 1 studies ongoing Webcast today at 10:00 CET Events during the quarter During the quarter...
Scientific advisory meetings with country-level EU authorities Market research shows payer interest Meta-analysis of mesdopetam Ph 2 studies...
IRLAB Therapeutics has announced that it will receive a $2.
Redeye has a positive view of today’s news that IRLAB has received a milestone payment of USD2.
Redeye gives a comment on today’s news that IRLAB has successfully completed the first part of the phase I trial with IRL757, targeting apat...
IRLAB Therapeutics has announced an encouraging update for the ongoing Phase I trial for IRL757, which is being developed as a potential tre...
IRLAB Therapeutics has announced the completion of patient enrolment for the Phase IIb trial (React PD) assessing pirepemat’s ability to imp...
Redeye gives a short comment on today’s news that IRLAB has enrolledthe last patient in the ongoing phase IIb Pirepemat, in line with expect...
100 patients enrolled Reduction of falls in overall study population Topline data at the end of Q1'25 React-PD fully enrolled Today IRLAB a...
IRLAB Therapeutics has been granted a new patent in Europe for its lead asset, Phase-III ready mesdopetam, which potentially extends its mar...
IRLAB continued to progress its pipeline in Q224 and met key milestones, such as the clinical entry of IRL757 with non-dilutive backing from...
Redeye returns following IRLAB's Q2 report and recent clinical progress.
- Started IRL757 clin. development activities in Q2 - Looking for a mesdopetam Ph 3 partner - Webcast today at 10:00 CET Events during the q...
IRLAB Therapeutics has successfully completed the second and final of two pre-determined safety and data integrity reviews for its ongoing P...
Summarising an eventful H1'24 Many players in the Parkinson's therapy game.
Researchers in China studying IRLAB’s lead asset, mesdopetam (IRL790) in a preclinical model for levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s ...
IRLAB Therapeutics is swiftly progressing with the Phase I trial for IRL757, with the first participant recently dosed following regulatory ...
Redeye gives its initial comment on the news that Kristina Torfgård has been appointed CEO of IRLAB.
In its Q124 report, IRLAB recapped its efforts in targeting major aspects of Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Redeye returns following IRLAB's Q1 report and the news of a development collaboration related to IRL757 in apathy.
The McQuade Center for Strategic Research and Development (MSRD) has signed an exclusive R&D collaboration for Irlab’s pre-clinical candidat...
New dev collaboration with MSRD on IRL757 Seeking for a partner for mesdopetam's Ph 3 Webcast today at 10:00 CET MSRD collaboration finance...
Redeye gives an initial take on the news that IRLAB has entered into a development cooperation with MSRD regarding IRL757, a positive develo...
IRL757 Ph 1 received regulatory approval SAD/MAD study to finish by YE'24 Results expected in Q1'25e IRL757 Ph 1 approved by reg.
While IRLAB Therapeutics’ immediate focus is on advancing mesdopetam in levodopa-induced dyskinesia (PD-LID) following the recent green ligh...
Redeye gives an additional comment on the written minutes from the FDA following the end of phase II-meeting regarding Mesdopetam.
IRLAB Therapeutics has confirmed the FDA’s alignment with its proposed Phase III programme for mesdopetam in levodopa-induced dyskinesias (P...
FDA aligns with Ph 3 design presented at IRLAB's 2023 CMD Design compatible with earlier Ph 2b, to complement future Ph 3 data Need for cash...
Redeye endorses the outcome of IRLAB’s end of phase II meeting with the FDA, including the recently communicated protocol (written minutes),...
The recent scientific paper in Neurotherapeutics discusses the encouraging preclinical studies focused on the characterisation of the neurop...
IRLAB Therapeutics reported positive feedback from its FDA end-of-Phase II (EoP2) meeting earlier in the week for mesdopetam.
Redeye gives a short comment on the exciting news that the FDA and IRLAB have an aligned view on a future phase III program for Mesdopetam.
IRLAB has reported FY23 results and provided operational and regulatory updates, including an end-of-Phase II (EoP2) meeting with the FDA fo...
Redeye updates its view of IRLAB following the Q4 report and largely reiterate our previous view.
Mesdopetam EOP2 FDA meeting on 20 Feb, feedback 30 days later Pirepemat Ph 2b full enrolment in Q3'24e Webcast today at 10:00 CET Mesdopeta...
More baseline falls vs. expected implies higher likelihood of effect New guidance: completion of study enrolment in Q3'24e (Q1'24 prev.
IRLAB Therapeutics has scheduled an end-of-Phase II (EoP2) meeting (on 20 February 2024) with the US FDA for the mesdopetam programme.
IRLAB Therapeutics has announced a new loan facility of up to SEK55m with Formue Nord to support its development programmes.
Redeye comments on the news that IRLAB has entered into a loan agreement with Formue Nord.
IRLAB Therapeutics has announced that IRL757, a drug candidate being developed for the treatment of apathy in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and o...
Redeye comments on the news that IRL757 is phase I ready and that IRLAB receives financing from the Michael J.
- IRL757 drug candidate for apathy ready for Ph 1 - Grant from The Michael J.
IRLAB has submitted a request for an end-of-Phase II meeting (EoP2) with the FDA for its lead asset, mesdopetam, to chart the Phase III road...
Redeye endorses this morning’s news that IRLAB has submitted a request for an end-of-phase II meeting, an important catalyst in our view as ...
IRLAB has been granted a new patent for its Phase IIb asset, pirepemat, extending the predicted patent life of the drug to 2038 (previous co...
Management presented its quarterly earnings, adding context to the recent capital markets day (CMD), highlighting IRLAB’s strategic focus on...
Redeye updates its view of IRLAB following the Q3 report and largely reiterate our previous view.
Next milestone, preparation for mesdopetam's EOP2 meeting Activities to secure funding for after H1'24 ongoing Webcast today at 10:00 CET P...
CMD in Stockholm focused on mesdopetam Potential Ph 3 programme outlined by KOL End-of-phase 2 meeting with FDA in H1'24e CMD in Stockholm ...
Redeye participated during yesterday’s capital markets day and give an initial comment.
IRLAB is collaborating with two US-based advisory groups, Clintrex (clinical research company) and ProPharma Group (research consulting orga...
IRLAB has reported its Q223 results, including a recap of clinical activities and financials.
Redeye updates its view of IRLAB following the Q2 report and additional Mesdopetam data.
No material news in the report Next milestone, pirepemat study full recruitment (YE'23e) Webcast today at 10:00 CET Events during the quart...
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news that the rights to Mesdopetam have been returned to IRLAB.
IRLAB has secured full global rights ownership of mesdopetam, the company’s leading asset, which was previously out-licensed to Ipsen.
IRLAB gets back mesdopetam rights from Ipsen Plans to move mesdopetam into Ph 3 confirmed Conf call tomorrow at 10:00 CET IRLAB & Ipsen par...
IRLAB Therapeutics has provided an update on its ongoing Phase IIb clinical trial for pirepemat, which has been designed to improve balance ...