Justerat för jämförelsestörande poster kom rapporten in över vår prognos.
Redeye retains its view of Hanza following a Q4 report showing a relatively solid performance in a soft market.
Redeye will likely retain its view of Hanza following a Q4 report with sales and EBITA slightly below our expectations – yet solid in a soft...
Förra veckan aviserade kontraktstillverkaren Hanza förvärvet av finska Leden Group, en ledande kontraktstillverkare inom mekanik.
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Hanza's acquisition of Leden.
Hanza rapporterade ett kvartal över Analysguidens förväntan.
Redeye raises its Base Case slightly following a Q3 report showing a relatively strong performance in a soft market.
Redeye sees a solid Q3 report from Hanza, especially given the circumstances.
Kvartalet belastades av en svagare konjunktur och lägre volymer för Hanzas kunder.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Hanza despite a softer Q2 report than expected regarding sales and margins.
Redeye sees a mixed quarter from Hanza. While sales and adjusted EBITA were somewhat below our expectations, the strong new sales is encoura...
Över lag kom kvartalet in under Analysguidens prognos, förklarat av en generell konjunkturnedgång.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Hanza despite a softer Q1 report than expected, resulting in lowered forecasts and Base Case.
Redeye sees a softer Q1 report from Hanza than expected.
Redeye retains its Base Case and 2025 forecasts despite the softer short-term outlook in the newly acquired Orbit One.
Omsättningen i det fjärde kvartalet kom in i linje med Analysguidens förväntningar men resultat pressades av förvärvskostnader.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Hanza despite a somewhat softer Q4 report than expected, resulting in slightly lowered forecasts ...
Redeye sees a Q4 report coming in slightly short of our expectations and a somewhat softer outlook from management regarding the short term.
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Hanza’s direct share issue.
Hanza förvärvar en kvalitativ kontraktstillverkare och stärker sina tillverkningskluster i Sverige och Centraleuropa.
Redeye positively views Hanza’s acquisition of Orbit One, strengthening its presence in Sweden and Poland at an attractive price.
Kraftigt resultatlyft drivet av en rekordstark marginal.
Redeye retains its positive stance towards Hanza following a solid Q3 report, with the strong margin in Main Markets and positive 2024 outlo...
Redeye sees a solid Q3 report from Hanza, beating our EBITA forecast by 13%.
Kontraktstillverkaren Hanza levererar ytterligare ett starkt kvartal där Huvudmarknader lyfter lönsamheten till en ny rekordnivå.
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Hanza following a solid Q2 report, with the strong margin in Main Markets being the highlight.
Redeye sees a strong Q2 from Hanza, with the exceptional EBITA margin of 11.
Hanza inleder 2023 på bästa vis med 23% organisk tillväxt och en marginal som redan nosar på 2025 års målsättning.
Redeye increases its Base Case and forecasts following a strong Q1 and a record high order book.
Redeye will likely increase its Base Case and forecasts following a strong Q1 report in line with preliminary figures.
Redeye will likely increase its forecasts and Fair Value Range of Hanza in an Update following the full Q1 2023 report, considering the stro...
Kontraktstillverkarens starka tillväxt verkar hålla i sig och den långsiktiga trenden är helt klart positiv.
Redeye raises its sales and EBITA forecast and Base Case following a solid Q4 report with strong organic growth.
Redeye will likely raise its Base Case and forecasts following a strong Q4 report from Hanza, with high organic growth in both segments.
Hanza presenterar en stark Q3-rapport och aviserar nya offensiva mål.
Redeye takes a positive stance towards Hanza following a solid Q3 report, new ambitious financial targets combined with a falling share pric...
Redeye sees a solid Q3 report from Hanza with an EBITA in line with our expectations.
Hanza fortsätter leverera stark tillväxt i kombination med god lönsamhet.
Redeye raises its Base Case and forecasts for Hanza following its Q2 report showing strong momentum, especially in Other Markets.
Redeye will likely increase its forecasts and Base Case following a strong Q2 report, with numbers significantly above the preliminary figur...
Kontraktstillverkaren Hanza har halverats på börsen samtidigt som bolaget fått ordentlig fart på tillväxten.
Redeye raises its Base Case and forecasts slightly for Hanza following its Q1 report showing strong growth.
Main Markets continue to perform despite a tough market ’23e-’24e EBITA up by 4%, ’22e kept as is Fair value raised to SEK 38-58 (35-55) per...
This morning, HANZA reported its Q1 2022 earnings. Below is our first impressions on the report.
EBITA SEK 41m (in line with FactSet cons. 41m) Organic growth of 26% (ABGSCe 12%) 11x ’22e EV/EBITA on pre-Q1 numbers Q1 outcome Sales wer...
Redeye sees a Q1 report with impressive sales growth while margins were somewhat short of our expectations.
Q1 report due on 3 Tuesday May Adj. EBITA lowered by 2% for ’22e, ’23e-’24e unchanged 12x ’22e EV/EBITA, ‘21-‘24e adj.
Today, 17 March 2022, Hanza Holding held a presentation for German institutional investors.
Carlsquare Equity Research initiates coverage of HANZA Holding.
Redeye raises its Base Case and long-term forecasts slightly for Hanza following an overall strong Q4 report.
Kontraktstillverkaren Hanzas organiska tillväxt accelererade till 30 procent under fjärde kvartalet.
Redeye’s preliminary revisions indicate a slight increase in sales forecasts but a near-term reduction of margins.
Redeye sees an overall solid Q4 report showing an impressive organic growth of 30%.
Kontraktstillverkaren Hanzas tredje kvartal bjöd på 19 procents tillväxt och fortsatt god lönsamhet.
Kontraktstillverkaren Hanza levererade rekordhög lönsamhet under andra kvartalet trots att knappt en tredjedel av koncernen fortsatt påverka...
Redeye raises its Base case and forecasts following a solid Q2 report, showing significant margin improvements.
Q2’21 expectations up following increased guidance Hanza announced improved guidance on Monday, 14 June, ahead of the Q2’21 report.